Why does my domain redirect to suspendeddomain.org / suspended-website.com

Sometimes, your domain name may redirect to the website suspendeddomain.org instead of showing your website. Contrary to what the domain implies, there are various reasons as to why your domain name may redirect to suspendeddomain.org.

In short, this happens if your browser is connecting to a website IP address, but there is no active website for your domain on the IP address.

This article explains many of the different ways in which this can happen.

Your account is suspended

The most obvious one: if your account is suspended, then any domains on that account will redirect to suspendeddomain.org.

As soon as your account is reactivated, the redirects will be removed and the domains will show your websites again.

You are moving the domain to another hosting provider

If you are trying to move your website to another hosting provider, you’ve probably already set up the account with your new provider, updated your domain’s nameservers and removed the domain name from your InfinityFree account.

However, after updating your domain name, it can take up to 72 hours for everyone to connect to your website at the new hosting provider. This is caused by a process called DNS Caching, which is explained in more detail in this article.

Because of this process, you, and many of your visitors, are still connecting to our hosting servers, even though your domain has been configured to send people somewhere else. And because you already removed the domain from your InfinityFree account, they will see the suspendeddomain.org page.

Unfortunately, there is nothing anyone can do to force everyone to connect to your new hosting provider. Everyone is at the mercy of the network settings of the visitors of your website.

But there are ways to soften the effects on your website.

First of all, when moving your domain elsewhere, you should keep the old account active for a few more days while the traffic moves over. You can continue to serve your old website on the old account (although you risk losing data if people make changes on the old account), or you can replace your website with a maintenance page telling them about the migration. In any case, keeping the old site active for a few more days allows you to choose what your visitors will see while you’re moving the domain.

If you’ve already removed the domain, you can add the domain again to your old account. It’s very important you use the same account that had the domain name before. If you have other accounts, they may have different IP addresses, which are not the IP addresses your visitors are still connecting to.

Your domain is your account’s main domain

When your account is created, a “main domain” is automatically generated for it. These main domains are a subdomain of eight random characters, followed by an InfinityFree domain. An example main domain looks like “ss6y0hra.epizy.com”.

This “main domain” will always redirect to suspendeddomain.org. For all intents and purposes, the “main domain” is just an internal identifier used by the InfinityFree platform. Your main domain does always point to the IP address of your website (which makes it useful if you want to setup your own DNS servers). But our servers are not configured to show any website on that domain.

You reactivated your account without adding the domain name

If you tried to deactivate your account through our client area, you will need to delete all the domain names from your account first.

We require this because the websites on the account will go down anyways. And some people mistakenly believe that deactivating the account is the same as deleting it, and that doing so will allow them to use the domains on other free hosting accounts.

After your account has been deactivated, you can reactivate the account again if you have fewer than three active accounts. Doing so will give you access to all the old files and databases of the account.

However, reactivating a domain name does NOT restore the domain names you’ve deleted from it before. If you would like to add the previous domain names to the account again, you’ll have to do so yourself through the control panel (using the Subdomains section for free subdomains and the Addon Domains section for custom domains).

Also, note that adding the domain names again may point them to a different directory than they did before. For example, if the domain example.com was previously assigned to the main htdocs directory, it will now have been assigned to the example.com/htdocs/. If so, you will need to move the files from the old website directory to the new one, and possibly update some configuration in your website.

You are moving the domain to another InfinityFree account

If you’re trying to move your domain name to another InfinityFree account, you may also be redirected to suspendeddomain.org.

This is caused by the same situation as described under “You are moving the domain to another hosting provider”. So please see that section instead.

However, since you cannot host a domain name on multiple accounts at once, you don’t have any ways to keep the domain on your old account to show a temporary page there. So you’ll just have to wait for your website to be visible everywhere.

You are trying to set up the domain on custom nameservers

If you’re trying to set up your domain on your own nameservers, there are two common errors which may cause your domain to redirect to suspendeddomain.org.

You did not assign the domain name to a hosting account

In order for our servers to show a website on your domain, you MUST assign the domain name to a hosting account first. You can do this through the control panel. Note that you may need to (temporarily) move the domain name to our nameservers in order to verify ownership of the domain.

While you can use your own nameservers to point the domain to the IP address of your hosting account (using A or CNAME records), doing so doesn’t give our servers enough information to figure out which account and directory is associated with your website. So it cannot show any website files.

You did not point the domain to the right IP address

If you verified that you did add the domain name to a hosting account, you should also check that the IP address or main domain match the details of the hosting account you assigned the domain name to.

If your domain name points to a different IP address than the one of the account to which the domain name is assigned, it will also redirect to suspendeddomain.org.

The redirect is caused by browser cache or DNS cache

Sometimes, a browser or proxy service may cache the redirect to suspendeddomain.org, and keep redirecting you even if your website is actually back online.

Additionally, if your domain name was just moved to a different IP address (e.g. when assigning a domain name to a different account), a DNS cache (either in your computer or with your internet provider) may cause your computer to connect to the old IP address. If so, you can try to clear the caches in your computer, check the website on a different device and/or network and try to open the website in private browsing mode.

After 72 hours at most, your website should come online on it’s own.