Please remove my website completely from infinity free immediately

Hi please i need urgent help, i deleted my domain from infinity free hosting because i want to host it my website in a blogger, please remove my website completely from infinity free immediately.


Thank you

Nobody’s stopping you. You don’t even need to delete the domain, as soon as you point it to Blogger the content here is no longe relevant.

If you’re getting redirected to a suspended page or face other effects, this is likely due to DNS caching. The advice in this article can help (specifically, the “You are moving the domain to another hosting provider” part):


The domain is deleted and the account is deactivated. So we don’t host your website anymore. If your domain doesn’t show the website you expected to see, please ask your new hosting provider to help you with this. We cannot fix a domain we don’t host and you don’t want us to host.


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