Error 404 from freeprohosting

i haven’t uploaded files i am a wordpress user just a beginner don’t know much about files and other stuff i have installed wordpress , but my website is showing error 404 and english isn’t my mother tongue so i apologies for any mistake

that change is probably due to cloudflare servers

Does the installation show up on Softaculous? And can you screenshot your website’s directory?


under client era this is the directory /home/vol7_4/

i installed wordpress for the 2nd time today i reinstalled it just an hour ago

That is your home directory. Please go to the Domains tab and see the directory that your website corresponds to.


it says

Can you screenshot your htdocs folder in the file manager?


are my screenshots visible ? there are a bit blurry on my pc

That is odd, your index.php is there. I don’t have much experience with WordPress and nothing like this has happened to me before, so I’m afraid I cannot help.

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Can you share the contents of your .htaccess file from here?
Trying to visit your website currently gives me an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue, and I noticed a SitePro folder on your site, had you tried to use the Site.Pro website builder before installing WordPress?


i tried that after installing wordpress

here is the data inside of htaccess # Powered by

ModPagespeed off ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault A0 ExpiresByType image/gif A691200 ExpiresByType image/png A691200 ExpiresByType image/jpeg A691200 ExpiresByType text/css A691200 ExpiresByType text/javascript A691200 ExpiresByType application/javascript A691200

<FilesMatch “^(web.config)$”>

Require all denied

<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
Order allow,deny

ErrorDocument 401 “Unauthorized”
ErrorDocument 403 “Forbidden”

#Options -MultiViews

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.)
RewriteRule .
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Server-Addr} ^(.)
RewriteRule .
RewriteRule ^.well-known/.+ - [L]

DirectoryIndex index.php index.cgi index.html
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(js/(main.js|bootstrap.min.js)|css/([0-9a-f]+.css|common.css|site.css|bootstrap.min.css)|sitemap.xml)$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ sitepro/$1 [L,QSA]


Hmm, I thought this was the case. It seems like your .htaccess is trying to load configuration for a Site.Pro website, which is interfering with WordPress.

Since this is a new installation, I’d recommend deleting all files inside htdocs (perhaps also deleting the builder through here), then performing a new WordPress installation via Softaculous.


my reply limit is over so i will edit this one

it isnt suspended i removed it from add on domain now i will add it again and try whether it works out or not i saw a post my admin telling to do this to someone else

This might be because of DNS caching, the advice in this article can help with that:

You’ll still need to remove your website’s content and either retry a Site.Pro or a WordPress installation.

Additionally, check your Cloudflare records to make sure your website points only to the InfinityFree IP (found in the client area) and not to a previous ProFreeHost one.

Yeah, exactly!


OP showed sensitive information in the URL bar.

@infinityuser793 didn’t notice your edit, sorry - your website seems to redirect me to right now:


I just checked your site, and it seems to be mostly working from here.

Please make sure that your DNS settings in Cloudflare are correct. There should only be one type A record for, which points to the Website IP as shown in the client area for your hosting account. The same goes for the www subdomain, unless it’s set up as a CNAME record pointing to

Besides that, your website seems to be working, and has HTTPS.

When using WordPress and Cloudflare, note that Cloudflare’s Flexible SSL doesn’t work well out of the box, but you can use Full SSL instead:

And finally, please make sure to update your website URL to start with https:// instead of http://: Changing The Site URL – Documentation –


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