Can't access my website or my cpanel | Says suspended

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Error Message

An error occurred while connecting to the hosting platform. Please try again later or use the control panel.

Other Information

It keeps displaying this message whatever I try to do. I can’t even get to the control panel. It doesn’t load. And also can’t go to my site. It redirects to a suspended website link. Idk why this is happening.

Can someone help please!

Thanks in advanced!

it seems like the entire cPanel infrastructure is down, I created a post for it down with 503 Error - Hosting Support - InfinityFree Forum


Also the other posts in the last 15 minutes are saying that all of the DNS NS’s are not responding

@LRCS_YT, My website didn’t have anything bad but it says my website is suspended idk why… And it’s not letting me do anything with the site.

Check the client area for a reason. If it allows you to create a support ticket, create one, and then wait for a response.


Your account is active and never been suspended.

Note that there are reasons other than account suspension that may cause you to see this page:

But your website seems to be working fine from here, and your domain wasn’t moved recently, so I don’t know why you would see this issue.


im getting just a blank page from your website


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