SSL errors on some websites

Since yesterday afternoon (October 31st), many website are showing SSL errors.

What are the symptoms of this issue?

Some of the errors you may see include:

  • ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL (Google Chrome)
  • 525 SSL Handshake failed (Cloudflare)

What is causing this issue?

iFastNet is currently making some changes to how SSL is handled on the free hosting platform. In preparation of this, the default, self signed SSL certificate has been removed from the system.

If your website currently relies on the self signed SSL certificate (for example, if you’re using it with Cloudflare’s “Full” SSL mode), your website will not work over HTTPS.

What can I do to fix this?

There are a couple of things you can do to fix this, depending on how you use the self signed SSL certificate.

  • If you’re using Cloudflare, you can switch your website from “Full” SSL mode to “Flexible”. However, not every website will like it if they are configured to use HTTPS URLs but they don’t detect the SSL connection on the server themselves. If that happens, you’ll likely see a redirect loop error (like ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS). You’ll need to check the documentation of your software or search the web for a solution which works for you.
  • You can install a valid SSL certificate signed by a real certificate authority. These certificates still work (both with and without having Cloudflare on your site). You can get an SSL certificate like that using the SSL Certificates tool in the client area.
  • Disable HTTPS on your site and only use HTTP at this moment.

When will this issue be resolved?

We expect the first changes to go live within the next 48 hours. However, this may not fix all websites immediately. It’s highly recommended to implement one of the workarounds listed above to bring your website back online.


2 posts were split to a new topic: My site has not been working until today

The error still appearing, I can’t access my site

Still error until now

buenas ya no se puede usar con SSL??

No sé, a mi no me carga todavía :frowning:

A week on, and my site is still entirely inaccessible. Admin/folks, do you all have any idea when this SSL issue is to be resolved? http also not working for Wordpress admin pages

I know! Driving me insane! I’m moving free host! I understand that it’s free and I can’t expect much, but the service has been abysmal. ‘We’re changing this’; ‘we’re updating that’. But when problems are solved I don’t notice a thing! Hopefully the one I’m changing to is better! And right now I can’t access my website to make a Google Drive Backup on WordPress so I can move my website!

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Yes, this issue is still going on. And this issue will go on for quite a while. For how long? I suspect weeks at least, but it could even be a couple of months, depending on how well things go.

Does this mean you website is down until then. Absolutely not! Or at least, it’s doesn’t need to be, if you don’t want it to be.

So I would like to repeat what I wrote in my original announcement very clearly.


I understand you all are angry that nothing has happened and your website is still down. But let me be very clear: your website doesn’t have to be done for a minute longer than you want it to be. All you have to do is implement one of the workarounds above and your website will be working perfectly again very soon.

So if this downtime is driving you insane, I cannot stress more that you should try to implement a workaround for this issue. There is so much you can do than just repeat that there is an error.

If you need help implementing one of the workarounds, please don’t hesitate to create a new topic and ask for it! If you do, we can actually help you get your website back online quickly. We can’t help you if you just complain here that the SSL is not fixing itself magically. We can only help you if you let us.


Appreciate your reply; But to be clear, nothing I wrote is, nor is it intended to be, a complaint. And never did I yell. The last time-table for any resolution was stated as 48 hours, and then, it “may not fix all websites.”
All problems have resolutions and work-arounds and I am not opposed to using either or both.

You’re right. The 48 hours was ambitious.

For now, free subdomains will be fixed first. I don’t know when that will be. It could take days or it could take weeks.

Custom domains will likely take longer to be fixed. This is more likely to take weeks or months. So if you use Cloudflare, you should use Flexible SSL in the mean time. And if you don’t use Cloudflare (and just connect with the self signed certificate), you could disable HTTPS on your website entirely for now.


I got that error on my website for the non-www version:
and the www version has a 404 error screen

How can i disable HTTPS?

r using cloudlare or what script are you r using?

Hi there admin

I need your help with getting my website back up, it’s showing me this error:

. The URL is, it does not have an SSL certificate and I purchased the domain on namecheap.

Kindly assist

Have you tried to enable ‘Display Errors’ from cpanel? it’s not related to your domain and SSl!


let me try that and see what happens, thank you.

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Im having difficulty logging in

what options do I choose here and which password do I use?

You can disabled HTTPS in the same way that you enabled it: through .htaccess rules, Cloudflare configuration or website settings.

What exactly you need to do on your website depends entirely on how you configured your website. Our hosting platform by default does not enforce HTTPS.

As you can see, on the page, you get an “HTTP 500 error”. That’s not an SSL issue, or it would have said something about SSL or secure connections. Please don’t hijack this topic to ask this question, but check the knowledge base instead. And if you can’t find the issue, please post a new topic about this.

You’re looking at the file manager. This topic is about SSL issues on websites, not about file manager issues.

As a reminder to everyone: This topic is about SSL issues on websites. If you experience any kind of issues which is not related to SSL, it should not be reported in this topic. Any posts created in this topic from now on which are not about the SSL issues described in the first post will be deleted.

We do our best to help everyone and keep everyone informed about issues. And we can’t do effectively that if all questions about all subjects get dumped into a single topic.