SUb domian admin panel not loading after using cloudfare

Following this recommendation ((Wordpress not being detected on my domain and sub domains)), I used cloudfare on but since then I cant see the admin panel of a subdomain at and I am able to see the admin panel of though

One more issue is I cant see load on a web browser as well. and does load on a browser normally.

Please make sure to include relevant A records for the subdomains as well


I made relevant A records in cloudfare DNS settings also.

Please show CloudFlare dns entry


This is the setting

The subdomain is working fine from here. The subdomain redirects me to a 403 Forbidden page, but that’s simply because no website is set up on it.

The URL is returning a redirect loop. By default, WordPress and Cloudflare don’t play well together when it comes to HTTPS detection.

See this guide how to set up Cloudflare correctly:

Please also make sure that your website URL in WordPress is set to HTTPS.


I am using SSL provided by Google trust (generated here on infinity free) on

Should I use cloudfare SSL?

If you use Cloudflare on your website, then Cloudflare handles the SSL between your visitors and Cloudflare. If you don’t want to use Cloudflare SSL, then don’t use Cloudflare.

Cloudflare does support uploading custom certificates on their Business and Enterprise plans. But the $300 per month that would cost could be spent much more effectively.

The only thing you have control over is the SSL between our servers and Cloudflare. There are multiple way to set that up, but the Full SSL method I described above is our recommendation as it provides a good balance of convenience and security.


Following your recommendation , “Please also make sure that your website URL in WordPress is set to HTTPS.”. I changed the website url from http to https. Since then, I am not able to access “” also.

What should I do now?. Uisng cloudfare SSL will do the trick for me?

The thing I told you to do from the start.

Again, you are already using Cloudflare SSL, because you are using Cloudflare, and there is no way to use Cloudflare without using Cloudflare’s SSL.

When I give you information and instructions, please read and follow them. Because this last reply makes it seem like you have completely ignored what I’ve written before.


There’s “DNS Only” but that invalidate almost the entire purpose of using Cloudflare except full DNS control.


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