This is a public forum thread. Forum threads are not deleted; and InfinityFree reserves every right to keep it public, especially since it has a comment from another user which may need to be addressed.
Unless you believe the users of this forum can read minds, we have no possible way of knowing what you have tried or not. Instead of being offended, you could share the steps you have already taken next time, to ensure that the suggestions offered are not something you have already done.
I tried creating a new hosting account some hours ago, to verify the issue, and the creation process worked fine. I’m not sure if you’re just unlucky and happen to be assigned to servers that might be broken; I assume you have also tried repeating the process, creating yet another new hosting account and seeing if it isn’t broken?
The good news is, the issue has been reported, so a fix is being worked on and will eventually be released. However it is understandable that you may not wish to use this hosting platform, so in this case, good luck with your new provider.
You should be able to edit posts and remove that yourself.
Correction: New users cannot do that, but you may ask the moderation team to do so.
That’s on them; if they don’t have Domain Privacy enabled, this happens. No responsibility for that falls on the public forum they shared that domain to.
Besides, InfinityFree’s terms of service are pretty clear on what you sign up for:
- Your User Submissions are entirely voluntary.
- Your User Submissions do not establish a confidential relationship or obligate InfinityFree to treat your User Submissions as confidential or secret.