My site was “Temporarily Suspended for MySQL Usage Limit“. Site has no users accessing, so I do not understand why it was suspended. It shows very low usage. I have no databases other than that needed by WordPress, etc. to build and display my pages.
WordPress wp-admin displays the following WordPress › Error:
f = Object(external_wp_element_[“useRef”])(); // Wait for the slide-in animation to complete before autofocusing the input. // This prevents scrolling to the input during the animation. Object(external_wp_element_[“useEffect”])(function () { var delayedFocus = setTimeout(function () { inputRef.current.focus(); }, SEARCH_FOCUS_DELAY);
. . . .
I cannot get WordPress or Elementor admin header at the top of my site to re-publish.
I have not initiated any software updates.
I need my site back the way it was prior to its suspension two (2) days ago.
Virus software (Norton) does not like the suspension page and also blocks FileManager: Dangerous Webpage Blocked
You attempted to access: Monsta FTP
I ignored and was able to login to FileManager.
Usage suspensions should not be routed to sites that are identified as dangerous by security software. This might cause users to never come back.
Any suggestions on how to get my site working again?
Thank you.
A recent server upgrade has caused some file corruption. You can fix it like this:
The file manager is 100% safe though and I have no idea why your virus scanner things otherwise. All I can say is that your virus scanner is wrong and the warning is a false positive.
I downloaded WordPress 5.7.2 dated May 12, 2021, unzipped, then using File Manger uploaded the three subfolders, one at a time, and then files to the htdocs folder. Repeated this several times. No errors on upload. My site and wp-admin do not display, same problem as before. I did not find any additional steps to perform. upgrade.php returns: “No Update Required Your WordPress database is already up to date!”
Site has not worked since it was suspended. I had not updated WordPress.
As far as we understand it’s a server issue causing file corruption. An upgrade script won’t tell you anything and it doesn’t matter which version of WordPress you use.
Some changes were made yesterday that could solve this issue. But before that, sites were still getting corrupted, so you may need to repair it again.
Again, I have uploaded WordPress files and folders multiple times since last Admin post. Site still does not work. Has the server file corruption issue been resolved? Please check my site to determine solution to the problems caused since its suspension and server corruption.
Thank you.
@MSPublish If you want an alternative, Publii is a great alternative. It even includes a WordPress importer. Plus because it generate static site files, there is a very low chance it would corrupt. Hence saved time, effort, and headaches. The only problem is it doesn’t really offer ecommerce support (unlike WordPress woocommerce) and it does have a limited amount of themes (BUT IT IS REALLY CUSTOMIZABLE). But for a small blog site it is enough.
All we know is that some files on some accounts got corrupted. We don’t know which files. The WordPress core has the most files, but it could be other files too.
Is it likely that the account suspension process interrupted my WordPress site publish during a critical write?
So that I can continue work on my site once the server is back online this weekend, will my site pages be retained if I use Softaculous Apps Installer to reinstall WordPress, Elementor, Astra?
How can I backup my site pages and check for errors? I tried to Open phpMyAdmin. I see it is under maintenance. I do get the following:
NOTICE : Please Ensure that all your scripts and installations (WordPress, Joomla, plugins, themes, etc) are up-to-date at all times and your accounts are secured.
I am still unable to access my site for the second day now. How long can I expect my server to be under maintenance? Control panel:
maintenance is underway on your server you will see your site offline until the work has completed, please do not make a support ticket about this. Apologies for the inconvenience
Is Softaculous working now? I noticed others were also getting:
Softaculous 5.5.5
License Inactive
Your license is not active or it has expired. If your license has expired, please renew it to continue using this Software.
It’s possible that this caused some files to be corrupted. Although I would be surprised if a suspension also interrupted running PHP processes, they are more likely to be interrupted by script timings (which is why I personally wouldn’t bother with interrupting ongoing requests).
But that doesn’t explain why the entire htdocs folder would be gone. But I doubt it’s a server issue, given that you’re the only one so far who seems to have this issue.
I don’t know why the folder is gone. So I also don’t know if this could happen again.
Since my site is still down I cannot see the status of the htdocs folder to see if it is gone. I did not mean to imply that the htdocs folder was gone, only that I used File Manager to upload Word Press files into htdocs folder.
Once the server and my site are back online and I use Softaculous to install overtop of current install of WordPress, Elementor, and Astra, will my site pages be retained? I really hope that my work is not lost. When do you anticipate my site being back online?
Thank you.
We hope that all of your files will still be there, but there is no way to tell. That is why you should Always keep a backup. Unfortunately, we also have no clue when the site will come back online.