My account(s) have been getting shutdown

Hi, my account(s) on InfinityFree have gotten shutdown the 2nd time. I already have 12 domains deleted, less than half of which were of my own will. This is the second time in the past year I believe that I’ve had my account shut down for seemingly no reason and not getting notified of the exact reasons at least by mail.
Do these suspensions happen with bots or are they manually done? Either way, I think I should’ve moved services when my commissioned project went down for literally zero reason. This time I’d like to retrieve all my data and migrate to another hosting provider. Thanks in advance.
It was a fun ride with InfinityFree for quite the while, only when I didn’t get suspended for no reason.

  • Israel Josephson.

If your account is available right now, you can do this yourself.

If it’s currently in a non-temporary suspension, you can ask in a ticket inside the client area for a backup of your account, if they refuse to unsuspend it for whatever reason. They’ll be willing to generate a backup for you, with the exception of a few severe TOS violations.

Accounts are never suspended without a reason, though mistakes do happen sometimes. That’s why the possibility of opening a ticket to have someone review your account is there.



Some of your reply was helpful, but not all of it. For the sake of efficiency*, please shorten your message and the amount of quotes. I’ve done what I could in order to get them to reply and comply with a reasonable demand. There’s absolutely nothing wrong that I know I’ve done on either side of my websites; neither on the frontend nor on the backend. “I don’t know that” on your side doesn’t cut it - I know I did not do anything wrong (because I saw myself doing it). Bad code or bad detection maybe, but nothing further. Thanks though.

I checked your accounts. But of the 12 accounts that were deleted, 2 were deleted because you deactivated them yourself, 9 were deleted due to inactivity, and only one was suspended for abuse. Additionally, there is one account that’s suspended now, but the ticket is still pending.

Apparently, something you’re doing is triggering automated suspensions.

Please understand that we purposely keep some of the suspension reasons shown vague, and only give details through tickets, because knowing exactly how we suspend accounts would make it much easier for criminals to try and bypass them.

Your posts contains many different questions and statements. Please consider that there might not be a single answer that covers all questions simultaneously, and we may need to address the points you make one-by-one.

Also, we may sometimes refer to other topics and articles in case things were already described in more detail there.

Please definitely read this article if you haven’t already, it explains why the “I know I didn’t do anything wrong” doesn’t mean that there was no reason for suspension:


Hmm, well, I’ll wait again, since that’s really all I can do right now. I do hope staff will respond to my ticket before the complete deletion of the account - I do not want to lose my projects due to an abuse flag.
I do understand that IF doesn’t suspend accounts for no reason - the issue then is just my bad habit with how I code.

My ticket was closed without a reply and my account has not been reactivated.

Unfortunately, nobody here can help you with account suspensions. The only way out is the support ticket system.


No reply at all? It would be unusual for them to close a support ticket and not say anything.

I’m not saying the reply will benwhat you’re looking for. But I’d expect at least a “we have reviewed your account and won’t be unsuspending your account,”


I had a talk with the staff after reopening the ticket and got my backup files and SQL data. Turns out you can’t host banking related websites, even if it’s pretend. I’ll be self-hosting some things unfortunately 'til I can get a host that allows it.

It is unusual but possible. Normally when the violation is so massive, the support staff may decide to just not reply anything.

The OP’s case is probably more like the ticket went unnoticed.