Is it possible to do observatory speed tests in Cloudflare? I keep getting Error 525

Website URL
(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

Error Message

We were not able to run test for
Before you run another test, check the URL is correct, the server is responding, and the firewall is not blocking requests. (Status code: 525)
(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)

Other Information

I am getting that error message shown above when running the observatory test, I wanted to know if it’s even possible when using a site hosted by infinityfree since I know that there are limitations (such as the website only being accessible with web browsers). Does the web browser limitations make using this feature impossible? Or can it have something to do with it being a beta feature in Cloudflare?
(other information and details relevant to your question)

Since you’re using Cloudflare, the browser limit from the hosting isn’t in effect.

The issue is that your entire site is not working due to a misconfigured SSL certificate. Please read


This is what I see

Definitely not hosted on free hosting


The only issue is that I put my original domain name only because my domain as set up through InfinityFree displays the following error message when trying to enter my existing domain
Please ensure you are providing the root domain and not any subdomains (e.g.,, not
Or register a new domain.
So I entered the “original” domain name that I had bought thinking that it would resolve the issue but now I see that there was no link involved at all and so I need help getting CloudFlare to accept my official website name.

This doesn’t seem like a Cloudflare issue to me.

To be able to host your website with us, you MUST also add the domain name to your hosting account with us. You cannot just setup a free subdomain, and only configure your domain name at Cloudflare.

Please follow this guide to setup your domain name correctly:


The issue I had was that from the very beginning I wasn’t able to use my actual website name which is somehow linked to my original domain name which I registered through and then infinityfree, if I remember correctly, requested I utilize a different website name (changing it from .site to When I try to register this domain though on Cloudflare it interprets it as a subdomain which might be a bug because from what I recall it doesn’t fit the definition of a subdomain (though I really don’t know what it would be called in relation to it deriving from a different origin domain name). I followed that linked tutorial with the original domain name ( but assumed that it was linked somehow to my current website name.

I’m very confused as to what you have done and what you want to do.

You can’t add free subdomains to Cloudflare, they only accept custom domain names.

Free subdomains can only be used with free hosting, you can’t use them elsewhere.

Nobody “changes” your domain name, you probably just registered a new one.

To use a domain with Cloudflare, you need to add it to IF first.


If you have your own domain name, like, that’s a full domain name. You can register those with iFastNet (or another registrar of your choice) and host it with us. However, you must first create the hosting account with a free subdomain before you can add your own domain name to it.

Those free subdomains, like, is really a subdomain, but a subdomain of our domain, not your domain. And Cloudflare indeed does not support subdomains, so you cannot host such domains with Cloudflare. And even if Cloudflare supported it, we don’t provide the ability to host our subdomains elsewhere, so you still wouldn’t be able to do it.


Excellent! Thank you so much, everything about the situation makes sense now. Somehow I thought they were connected somehow but now I see that the domain name is entirely separate since the is only linked to InfinityFree’s domain.

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