I need a lot more information to be able to help you, such as:
Which script are you trying to install?
What do you see when you try to access your website?
What is this “weird prefix” you are talking about? And why do you suppose that it is the reason for you issue?
What is the URL of your website so we can check?
If free hosting completely satisfies you, then you shouldn’t choose premium hosting. It’s for the situation where free hosting does not satisfy your needs, then you could consider premium hosting, because premium hosting might satisfy your needs.
Also, keep in mind the following written on the home page of our website:
Is InfinityFree a demo, trial or sample for premium hosting?
Absolutely not! InfinityFree is fully featured, completely free website hosting. We provide promotional offers for alternative, premium services for people looking for more, but their services are very different. InfinityFree is not a representation of these offers.
Basically, if you are evaluation whether iFastNet’s premium hosting is good for you, then try iFastNet’s premium hosting. Don’t use free hosting and complain it’s not as good as premium hosting. Because it isn’t as good as premium hosting, because it’s not premium hosting.
why cant we do it private for “confidentiality” ? why does my website has to be out here for everyone in public to see it ?
not push me to go premium when i didn’t see what makes me trust your company to pay
Actually, regarding the actual issue, are you referring to the issue described here?
Because I already replied to that (so why do you insist there is no official support?). I already told you the URL parsing of your website is wrong. And anything that could add anything to the URL (Cloudflare security challenges, analytics referrer tags, search strings, you name it) will break your page routing. Your code is flawed and quite fragile because of that.
But it’s all easy to fix. Just not by complaining about our hosting.
ididn’t insist i said why no support like other websites i can chat in private
why you want to expose your members in public ? where’s the confidentiality ?
im not a developer just a user
did you check my website ?
if i linked it to another host it will work fine and install fine why here not ?
@yanageorge I’d really like to be able to help you with this. I can tell that you’re frustrated, and really want help to get this fixed.
But I’m not prepared to offer 1-2-1 private support. And I doubt you would be willing to pay my consutant rates.
I am happy to help you on the forum, as part of the community. That way, if someone has a similar issue in the future, they might find this thread and it could help fix their own issues
Almost all services that offer dedicated private support are either payed services, or trying to sell you something. These things cost a lot of money to run and maintain.
No because you’ve not told us what it is? How can we check it without the link?
Diferent hosts have different limitations. Thats why I have accoutns with 4 diferent free hosting providers, because they meet diferent needs.
That is very unusual. did they inject adds onto your website?
Because the only one’s i’ve used with a ticket system either injected adverts into your site (so you were paying with advertising space) or for SquareSite they were forever pushing premium
Taking a look at your site, it looks like you’re trying to run Laravel. This doesn’t work well on Infinity free. Because there are some limitations that impact it. But I assure you its not because of the ?i=1 at the end
Admin posted about this a while ago, so these 2 might help
I’m happy to help you. But I’m not so happy to spend my entire day personally helping all free hosting users setup their websites.
By using a public forum, it gives more people the opportunity to help, and means that information given to other people is also available to you.
Please consider again that this is a free service. Many free services do not have one-on-one support.
If you don’t want to share your URL, that’s your decision and your right. But that does not entitle you to my personal one-on-one attention to troubleshoot the issue.
And to be very clear: it’s my responsibility as a hosting provider to provide working hosting. You’re responsible for building and maintaining your website.
Traffic is one reason to upgrade. But you’re forgetting another reason: features. Premium hosting has more features. If you need features that premium hosting has but free hosting doesn’t have, then free hosting will not satisfy you, but premium hosting will.
Sorry, my bad, got a few topics confused. No, I didn’t check it, because you have not told us what to check.
That could be a compatibility issue, a configuration issue, a setup issue, or something else.
It doesn’t mean that our hosting is not working as intended, and doesn’t mean that we need to fix your website for you.
And we’re not a developer either, we’re a hosting provider.
I think you installed the software incorrectly. Because the default page throws a path error, and the login page throws a SQL error.
Please try re-installing the software.
I am willing to provide 1-on-1 support, but it won’t be for free. Remember this is a free service, if you want one-on-one support, you have to pay for the agents running it somehow.
Thanks. Checking your site, there is a very clear error message.
The symlink() function is not supported on free hosting, but it is on premium hosting. You may be able to work around that, if the website developer will let you.
That’s their decision. Most free hosting providers don’t have it, and neither do we. If that’s an absolute deal-breaker for you, maybe consider going back to your previous provider?