Visiting issue

people can’t view my website

it has this at the end “/?i=1”

why ?

What is your website URL and the error your visitors see (if any) so we can help you better?



As @JxstErg1 asked, what is your site’s URL so we can diagnose this issue.

According to what you have said, you are experiencing an issue because of the prefix ?i=1. This is normal, this is part of InfinityFree’s website security. Visitors that have JavaScript and cookies enabled can view your site without issues.

If ?i=1 is affecting how your site is loaded (if you are using a custom made php-based homepage), you can look for ways for your page’s code to ignore the ?i=1.

@Jri-Creator can we just redirect it from www.domain.ex to www.domain.ex/?i=1 cause if people just clicked on the domain without that stupid suffix it won’t work with them

On all 3 of my sites it does automatically rediret. Not sure why this isn’t happening for you?

That redirect already happens, so what is the issue?

Or, at least, it should happen. If it doesn’t happen, then something is not working, and we need to figure out together what we can do to fix it.

Also, the reason you can access the page is not because it has ?i=1 at the end. The reason you can access the page is because the first time you try to access the website, it triggers some code that sets a cookie and reloads the page.

The ?i=1 suffix is only used as a counter to track redirects. So if the counter is not set, the challenge page redirects you to ?i=1. If the cookie is still missing and the ?i=1 is already set, it will redirect you to ?i=2. It can then still redirect you to ?i=3, but after that you will be redirected to an external page. This is done to avoid a situation where the redirect works but the cookie doesn’t, putting the browser in an infinite redirect loop.


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