Account Suspension Inquiry


My InfinityFree account (if0_3) for has been temporarily suspended due to hitting Entry Process limits. I understand that the suspension is for 24 hours, and my account will be automatically reactivated.

I didn’t have a backup of my data, and I want to ensure that my files will still be intact after the reactivation. Could someone shed light on whether data loss occurs during this suspension?

Also, if there are any additional steps or recommendations to prevent hitting these limits in the future, I would greatly appreciate the advice.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,
Venvebubble check this article, I have the same problem but I think It’s because of the BOTS, I got 500 viewers just yesterday ALL FROM GERMANY

Yes, they will be intact.

That wouldn’t happen with this type of suspension. With others like permanent or inactivity, it can happen. If your website does not receive any visitors for 20-60 days, your account will be deactivated and you will have roughly a month to reactivate your account with several emails informing you. On the other hand, with permanent suspensions, it depends on what you violated.

Check the article B0binch0 linked.


I had the same issue with my account constantly getting suspended, would die within an hour of being reactivated

Was bots for sure, the only solution I found was to register a domain name and take advantage of cloudflare’s free ddos protection


Website URL

Error Message

Entry Process limits.

Other Information

My website keeps just suspending my website in a few hours. This has happened to me 3 times. In under 4 days

We can’t do anything about suspensions in the forum. If this is a major problem, I suggest considering upgrading to premium.


Sounds like a suspension loop to me.
You may want to remove A or CNAME record from the dns entry in CloudFlare
This may break the suspension loop


Which one?

You can also try to enable “I’m Under Attack” mode first to try and reduce the traffic. You can also setup IP Access rules so only traffic from your IP address is allowed, and everything else is blocked. Removing the A and CNAME is a last resort.

As for:

Which one?

The ones for your website. So that’s the A or CNAME record for your base domain, and for the www subdomain.

This will take down your website, but it should allow it to keep working so you have some opportunity to fix things. Or at least get a backup.


I’m using the theme “BuddyX” And all plugins that I use are:
Ad Inserter
Akismet Anti-spam
All In One WP Security
Christmas Countdown Widget
Classic Widgets
CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent
Hello Dolly
Image optimization service by Optimole
Kirki Customizer Framework
Nextend Social Login
Otter – Page Builder Blocks & Extensions for Gutenberg
Proxy & VPN Blocker
Rank Math SEO
rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress
Send Users Email
Simple History
User Registration
Wbcom Designs - BuddyPress Activity Filter
WP 2FA - Two-factor authentication for WordPress
WP Maintenance

That’s a lot of WordPress plugins, including some that are known not to work well on free hosting on their own because of how much resources they use. I would advise temporarily disabling access to your site through Cloudflare the way @KangJL suggested, and then downsizing to only plugins that are absolutely necessary.

Alternatively if you feel you need that many plugins, you can try upgrading to premium hosting which has much higher resource limits.


How many inodes comes with premium hosting?

They don’t list a specific inode limit (though you might be able to ask them) but the problem you’re experiencing has nothing do to with inodes. Reaching the inode limit doesn’t suspend you. You were suspended for hitting the entry process limit.


Why do I need to buy new domain when I want premium to infinityfree?

You shouldn’t have to buy a new domain since you already have one. Simply select that you’re using an already existing one. When your account is set up you can contact iFastNet and have them migrate the contents of your free account to your premium one.


It’s 380k on starter premium, 840k on super / ultimate premium, and unlimited under acceptable usage on bussiness.


But I want to keep my domain on infinityfree and not ifastnet.

Why? What makes you want to keep the domain here?

First of all, you can always buy a new premium account without transferring domains.

But the migrations exists there in order to reduce the hassle of having to tweak a lot of random settings of your site.




That’s a good reason I admit :joy:

But a migration is still recommended — as long as you are purchasing with the referral links in our site, you are showing love to us by generating a commision for InfinityFree.

Especially when you got a rather good custom domain, and your site is too heavy for free hosting.