okay it’s on and off, site is working for one moment and next moment it is getting a different message
but here is my domain
okay it’s on and off, site is working for one moment and next moment it is getting a different message
but here is my domain
That domain is working fine for me. Which error does it “Occasionally” show? If it is the database error, its probably related to this outage, so please just be patient.
Okay it seems like all of my plugins were deleted, noticed because disqus wasns’t loading in posts and it showed an error page when I open plugins tab
I created a new topic for you as missing plugins are not part of the database error. If you look at the screenshot you shared above, it looks like the plugin files were deleted. Please try reinstalling them.
How are they not part of an database error? Like before the plugins were working fine
The error message said the plugins files were deleted, so its a file management error. Just re-install the plugins, it should work fine.
When I mean before I mean before the outage just to be clear, I haven’t touched file manager since the outage happened but could you explain how this happened? [as in why file management error happened?] I haven’t really touch the file manager in a long time, plus site was working fine when I deleted and reinstalled W3TC [only way you could really update W3TC was by deleting W3TC plugin]. Also I fear that reinstalling disqus will reset my comment count.
I don’t know how discuss works, but I doubt its stored in the local files. Is there a database table titled ‘discus’, or could the comments be stored externally, but linked to your discuss account?
You should probably ask discuss support for this.
Disqus tech support has an pretty poor record of helping out, I’ll rather wait for the outage to be fixed before doing anything. But can you confirm that reinstalling your plugins will retain all previous settings you used before?
And can I ask why this outage is taking real long?
I cannot. I have only used WP for 2 weeks, and have never used the discuss plugin.
As for the outage, I am not in communication with the tech team, only Admin is. He will update his as he learns more.
Can you navigate to the wp plugins folder and see if the plugins are even there? If you have a backup, now would be a good time to copy the plugins folders over from it.
Please try using FileZilla, and can you let me know what the CHMOD settings are on that folder? That could be the underlying reason…
alright I’ll see if that does something if issue isn’t resolved after outage is fixed
what is CHMOD?
I don’t know how long the outage will be here for. Since it is a overload issue, it could still be present for a few weeks while everything is tested.
The last step
Just screenshot the “File Permissions” box of the plugins folder for me please.
how do I access the file permission box of plugins folder?
Locate the folder in FileZilla
Right click it
Select “File Permissions”
Screenshot the popup that appears
so you click on file attributes?