pvc.epizy.com (formerly with pixelvideocreations.ga)
I have had InfinityFree in the past, but all 3 of my sites kept being suspended. I’ve been trying for a very long time to get a hold of CS, but they never responded. They just kept suspending and unsuspending my account. It was getting annoying, so I switched hosts, and now I’d like to give InfinityFree another chance because there are now more features. But I am worried the site will be suspended again. They never gave me a reason. I now run a tech blog and I want to give InfinityFree a review but I’m not sure if they’ve upgraded their algorithm or just changed something.
Edit: InfinityFree was an aff. of IFastNet, which other affiliates I’ve tried were suspending me too. I tried freehosting.io and others.