When I open my domain name it gives me an error page

Bonjour, j’ai utilisé un nom de domaine personnalisé, j’ai essayer de suivre plusieurs tuto, activé les DNS, sa me marque aucune erreur mais lorsque j’ouvre mon nom de domaine sa me mets une page d’erreur

Hello, I used a custom domain name, I tried to follow several tutorials, activated the DNS, it doesn’t show me any errors but when I open my domain name it gives me an error page

étant donné que je ne m’y connais pas du tout j’aimerais bien avoir de l’aide :confused:

Since I don’t know anything about it, I would like some help :confused:

Salut belle fille, bạn upload file index.html lên là nó chạy đấy, thật đấy, thử đi.

Salut belle fille, you upload the index.html file and it works, really, try it.

Bonjour, c’est ce que j’ai fais et ca ne marche toujours pas

Hello, this is what I did and it still doesn’t work.

:laughing: Đưa mình địa chỉ URL của bạn mình vào xem thử

Give me your friend’s URL to check it out

maintenant ça me mets ça

Now it gives me this


As this is an English forum, please type in English or translate your post before posting.

Thank you

Also, make sure you are putting your files into the correct location. You can view the root directory for a domain by going to the domains section in the client area.


Yes sorry, I put the files in the right place, in the htdocs, and not elsewhere, I added a cname I don’t understand

Ah, after you’ve verified your domain with the CNAME record and added it to your account, you need to create an “A” record that points your domain to your web hosting account’s IP address.

The CNAME record is just for verifying that you own the domain. It doesn’t lead visitors to your website afterward. You can remove it once your domain is added to your hosting account.


C’est lequel que je dois choisir ?
Capture d’écran 2024-09-25 à 17.50.19

Which one should I choose?

An A record, so none of those. What DNS provider for your domain are you using?


I use lws but since I am on infinityfree, I can no longer modify them on lws so I have to go through infinityfree, because on lws it tells me: WARNING, you are using external DNS, zone changes will not be not taken into account until you have set the LWS DNS.

Wait, so did you change to your domain’s nameservers to InfinityFree? What is your site’s URL anyways? It’s part of the template you’re given when creating a new topic.


it’s fashionpulse.fr

The domain name fashionpulse.fr is currently using both the nameservers of LWS and pointing to their IP address.

To fix this, you have two options:

As for the 404 error, the website directory appears to be missing from your account. Your website’s files should be uploaded to fashionpulse.fr/htdocs, but that directory doesn’t exist at all. Please recreate the directory and upload your website so it can work.


It’s seem work now. Have no erro 404 any more. Congratulations !

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