(please specify the website or account you are asking about)
Error Message
This site can’t be reached ’s server IP address could not be found.
Other Information
I have created a subdomain named and after 24h it still gives me this error
You are probably affected by the migration of InfinityFree migration.
Just wait and let them fix it.
Check this official announcement:
All servers have been migrated to the new, fast SSD storage now, so almost every should see a performance increase on their website compared to a month ago!
Unfortunately, it appears that one of the servers has suffered from system corruption during the migration. Because of that, the server had to be shut down and is now being repaired.
This issue affects all accounts hosted on the website IPs and If your website is one one of these IPs, you will see issues like…
June 24, 2020, 4:31pm
Since you are using cloudflare, remove the & name servers from your dns management. As it is not needed anymore.
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not this is my problmem i can not acces my new crated subdomains
and then they will aprear magicly?
June 24, 2020, 4:33pm
No just remove it first. And verify or recheck the nameservers of your domain on cloudflare dashboard. After get verified, create a A record with the name you gave for those subdomains and the destination of your domain ip address .
if you just recently added a subdomain, please wait 24-72 hours to DNS propagation take effect wordwide.
Make sure you have set an “A” record or “CNAME” for your subdomain “forum”.
Also, when i tried to dig your nameservers, it only shows 1 nameserver. CloudFlare provides two nameservers to be setup in your domain registrar.
Where whoul I point the A record
I acumualy have 4
Root Domain:
A > @ > main ip address
A > “forum” > main ip address
June 24, 2020, 4:39pm
you can find your ipaddress thru your infinityfree control panel
follow my previous post structure.
find your main ip address in client area
Like I pointed my domani to infinity and then created 2 subdomanins store and forum isn’t this the way it meant to be done
remove the excess & in your domain registrar client area (ex. GoDaddy, Freenom).
Just use CloudFlare nameservers.
Also wait until 24-72 hours to make recent changes effect worldwide.
for me its hapening every 5 minutes
i have a ttl of 5minutes
oh, so did it worked for you?