Website URL being appended to links

I get an error message on links on my website.

Error Message

whenever a link is clicked i get the 403 forbidden message, “the websites configuration prevents you from viewing this page”

Other Information

Also ive noticed that when you hover over the link the websites url is being added to the beginning of the link address, its not in my code. I’m not sure how to remedy this. can anyone advise?


Everything works normally for me !
try clearing the browser cache with CTRL + F5

If you mean this

this is normal because the browser adds a domain even if you created a relative path in the code

Hi, thanks so much for your reply.
I’ve added an external link on the contact page, I should have mentioned that the internal links work. but external links to other sites are where I get the issues.

I really appreciate your help.

ive just tried installing a different browser but the same thing is occurring. not sure whats causing it.

Everything works neatly

you probably experimented with whether .htaccess or path
so your browser cached that “error” pages instead of displaying the new state

but I see you’re here through a proxy
and that may be the cause of your problem

do you still have a 403 after clearing your browser cache?

also try incognito / private mode

Now I see ( google)

this is due to rewrite in your .htaccess

paste the code from your .htaccess file here

(or dig through the forum in the search for the right code that will do what you want )

I guess you want to have www in front ?

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RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

this is all i have in my .htaccess, I was just trying to keep all traffic on ssl. I don’t really mind if the www is there or not, i was just trying different stuff on the href tag to try and get it working.

Since your whole website is static - you would benefit greatly from using Cloudflare

and I would delete that .htaccess in your place

and then on Cloudflare

set always use https

and through it you will also have SSL (self-renewing), protection and everything else


I’ve removed the .htaccess but still the same issue. I am in need of a dynamic site soon for wordpress and really cant afford to pay for something I make no money from, I just take pictures at my own cost hoping it might inspire someone somewhere. thanks ill take a look the cloudfare option. Surely this shouldn’t be happening with the .htaccess now removed? thanks so much for your response

can you check to make sure you don’t have it somewhere else in some dir .htaccess file ??

it’s free for most of your needs

besides your main.js is zero byte

Thanks I’ll check if its anywhere else and also checkout cloudfare, thank you so much for your help, i appreciate it a lot. Many thanks.

let’s make in htdocs via file manager from client area (monstaFTP)
.htaccess file

with this content


and save it

and then let us know when you did it to see if it still adds “HOST” in front of the URL + google

yes its still doing the same after the new .htaccess file. please forgive me for all these questions, I’m not that knowledgeable and really don’t like bothering people with my questions.

can you open that file with monstaFTP and choose edit
and take a picture of the contents of the same?
and then drag/copy/paste (upload) here

if the changes do not respond it is possible that something is hang up in hosting

how are you not when you stated that you have IT knowledge ?

it’s not a problem at all
ask anything :slight_smile:


I did IT Support and haven’t really done any web based stuff since the late nineties. Everything is so new and takes a lot of learning. Sometimes I’m stuck on issues for days, literally not knowing what to do.

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wait for the admin to look inside
so he will report here when he finds the cause

what worries me is that it returns 403 instead of 404
for that problematic url

this is help for admin + google

This is most likely happening because the href of the element is “”, it’s supposed to be “”.

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Yes, you’re right

it is interesting that it returns 403 and not 404

thank you so much, I’ll try updating it now. really appreciate it!

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Yes, YAY that did it, I appreciate all your help on this, I really do. :grinning:

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