Website Server-iP not found

My Website:

Error Message: Server iP address

More: My Domain is ready and did wait over 72 hours. It still doesn’t work.

Given that .de domains have issues with settings nameservers before the domain is set up, I assume that you added your domain using CNAME validation?

If so, please note that setting up the CNAME only validates your domain name for use on our hosting. It doesn’t actually make your website use our hosting. You’ll have to configure that separately after adding the domain name.

The easiest way to do so is to point your domain name to our nameservers. Please see this article for more information on how to set this up:


And how can I setup that?

You can set it up by following the instructions in the article I linked to before:

We don’t have a generic article for adding records to third party nameservers, but you may find some relevant information in this article about Cloudflare:


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