Hello, I would like to ask why my response is very slow when I visit my website, especially when I visit the WordPress background, bk.xhmll.ml This is my blog.
WordPress is in softaculous app
Installed in install, version 6.1.1
Hello, I would like to ask why my response is very slow when I visit my website, especially when I visit the WordPress background, bk.xhmll.ml This is my blog.
WordPress is in softaculous app
Installed in install, version 6.1.1
xhmll.ml is not a registered domain (Freenom whois)
xhmll.ml and bk. subdomain was not added here to the system (not assigned to an InfinityFree acc)
Are you sure you spelled the address correctly in your question?
Sorry, the domain name is indeed wrong, I was negligent. The correct domain name is bk.xhml.ml
This may help
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