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WASM file not uploading
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The WASM file I am trying to upload keeps being removed. YES, I know the File Size Limits, I’ve read them multiple times when helping others. The WASM file size is 1.9MB.
WASM file not uploading
The WASM file I am trying to upload keeps being removed. YES, I know the File Size Limits, I’ve read them multiple times when helping others. The WASM file size is 1.9MB.
JavaScript files in general are limited to 1MB. It’s quite likely the server treats WebAssembly files the same as other forms of JS files.
Very odd, but I can see it. I may have to split the file, and then bind it client-side like before.
Well, I’m dumb. Since the WASM is 1.9MB, and the maximum file size is 10MB, changing the file ext. to have an extra letter, like WASMM, it would comply with the 10MB instead of the 1MB limit. Since editing a few lines is easier, this works for me.
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