Volume unknown/home dir unknown

It appears that server is missing from the list.
This server is using PHP version 7.4.8
So i suspect the same issue’s is goin on here?

Can this please get confirmed by a staff member?

Thank you

This is the IP address for FTP; it works just fine if your site is not on any of the affected IP addresses/hosting volumes.

I have now included the hosting volumes to help clear confusion.


Webftp (trough cpanel) nor filezille both not working for me. Both are give the auth error, eventho i copy pasted. It is a fresh account tho, could it be possible it is non relate to the above issue and it is just a setup issue?

Have you checked what your website’s IP address/hosting volume is? You can find it in your account section of the client area, for example here is mine on the account that I am affected:

If you are on any of the affected components, this is expected:


Yes i have. I post the screenshots below. (sadly i can’t since i’m a new member)


Command: USER if0_35335257
Response: 331 User if0_35335257 OK. Password required
Command: PASS ***************
Response: 530 Login authentication failed
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

Account section:

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Volume for me unclear, ip is tho. Yet not listed.

This seems like an entirely different issue from the one described in the outage topic; for starters, your website seems to display fine: http://dadoedi.great-site.net/.

Are you sure you’re using the correct account password (different from your client area one)?

The rest of the article can also offer helpful tips to try and debug the issue:


Sorry about that, i blindly assumed the ftp password was the same as my cpanel password (since that is usually the case). Since the home dir is unknown i get the following error message:

Response: 331 User if0_35335257 OK. Password required
Command: PASS ***********
Response: 421 Home directory not available - aborting
Error: Could not connect to server

Thank you for the quick responses

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Right. You account is affected by a different issue that also happened earlier today.

If you check your account details, you will see that the Home Directory and Hosting Volume of your account are listed as (unknown). When you check the Domains page, you’ll see that the directory of your domain is also listed as (unknown).

Some accounts created today were not set up properly which appears to have resulted in the account simply not having a home directory assigned.

The issue that caused the missing directories appears to have been fixed, but accounts affected by this issue have not yet been fixed.

You can wait for us to fix it, but seeing how it’s a brand new account, you could also just do create a new account instead. You can do this like so:

  1. Go to the Domains page and delete all the domains from the account.
  2. Go into the Account Settings page and deactivate your hosting account.
  3. Create a new hosting account with your domain name.

Thank you for the answer!

I did everything what u said above, sadly it appears that the mainpage of Infinityfree.net is down currently (error 500)

Correction, i managed to create a new domain account on Login to your account - InfinityFree. Sadly after the creation the same unknown details are popping up.

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I have the same issue with my account, I keep seeing the unknown directory and I can not use the FTP feature.

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It appears to be still a active issue.
Even with new created accounts, i repeated the process 3 times, all the times the volume and home dir are unknown.

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Yes, it was down for about half an hour due to an outage at Cloudflare. That doesn’t have anything to do with your issue though, and doesn’t impact your ability to fix it.

It takes up to 10 minutes after creating an account for all of those details to be loaded in, so that’s not that strange. But it does appear that your new accounts were corrupted too.

I took another look at it appears that at least some fix was implemented. From the ~4000 accounts that did have this issue, a solution is available for most of them.

If you’re experiencing this issue, you may be able to fix it like so:

  1. Go to the Domains tab in the client area, and check that the Directory is still shown as (unknown).
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner, and click “Update List from Account”.
  3. You may now see the error " Unable to connect to the hosting system, please try again in a few minutes.". This is normal. Simply wait for 10 seconds, then try again.
  4. Repeat this for maybe 3-5 times until it says “The list of domains has been synchronized”. The Directory field should now be populated.

It appears that for the account in your screenshot, this solution did work. For the other two accounts, it didn’t.

I’m currently running a script that will try to do this for all accounts that were affected. After that’s done, I will look how many accounts are still having this issue.

One caveat: this solution only seems to work for active accounts. Account that are suspended or deactivated don’t seem to be fixable this way. It’s possible that reactivating the account first and then doing these steps will fix them too, but I haven’t verified that.

EDIT: Forced synchronization is done. It appears that of the original ~4000 affected accounts, only 5 accounts do not appear to be fixable this way, which unfortunately includes 2 of your accounts.

I know that it’s probably not what you want to hear, but I would like to suggest deactivating these two broken accounts as well and creating new ones. I really believe it’s fixed this time.


“I know that it’s probably not what you want to hear, but I would like to suggest deactivating these two broken accounts as well and creating new ones. I really believe it’s fixed this time.” no worries, these i only created to see if they would sync.

Preciate sorting it out. I noticed last night that one was working already so im happy with that.


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