I have a Hostinger Domain https://notesapp.in that points to infinityfree.net hosting . I love the infinityfree hosting that’s why i have hosting here, all is going well but now i am trying to add my website to “Google Search Console” ,the issue is Only Index page crawling and rest of the pages cannot be accessed by both Google bots and other Spider tools. Here is a robots.txt file i use : User-agent: *
Allow: /
Please help me resolving this issue.
Thanks in advance
Domain name : https://notesapp.in
Username : epiz_30431700
Thank you
InfinityFree is a website hosting service. That means that the hosting accounts we provided are intended for hosting websites. Websites contain pages that are accessed through web browsers. InfinityFree is not intended to be used for file sharing, API hosting, database hosting or background tasks/tools.
To help enforce this, free hosting enforces a security system that makes sure that anyone trying to access your website is using a normal web browser. This is done by checking whether the web br…
Using Cloudflare will fix this:
I will show you how to easily set up Cloudflare, Edit Records, and Troubleshoot with images!
Cloudflare cannot be used on free subdomains from InfinityFree.
You can use Cloudflare on Custom Domains (yoursite.com ) and with Custom Sub-Domains (subdomain.yoursite.com ).
A video tutorial can be found at the end of this guide, should you get stuck.
You must connect your domain to your InfinityFree account first. Read more here .
Set-Up Cloudflare
Go to Dash…
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thank you for your help, but cloudflare is showing this error when i tried to add my site “notesapp.in is not a registered domain” .
December 7, 2021, 12:40pm
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