I am writing to seek assistance regarding my website, campusllc.net, which has been blocked due to exceeding the inode limit. Over the past month, I have been unable to access the WordPress admin panel to optimize my site and reduce inode usage. Despite deleting some unnecessary files via FTP, my site remains blocked, and I am continuously advised to upgrade to a paid plan.
Before considering an upgrade, I need to understand the facilities and support provided by InfinityFree’s paid plans. Over the past month, I have not been able to work on my site, reduce load, or clean the site due to the blockage. This has significantly impacted my site’s growth and functionality.
I request your assistance in:
Unblocking my site temporarily to allow me to access the WP admin panel and optimize my site.
Providing detailed information about the benefits and support available with the paid plans.
Investigating the issue that caused my site to be unsupported in the browser and ensuring it does not happen again.
I appreciate your prompt response and support in resolving this matter.)
To be clear: exceeding the inode limit will not result in your website being blocked.
If you hit the inode limit of your account, you will not be able to create or upload new files. Besides that, your website and other hosting account functionality is not blocked. After all, you wouldn’t be able to reduce your inode usage without access to your website.
However, systems that need to be able to create files to work (notably Softaculous) will not work until you reduce your inode usage. But that’s not something we an fix without disabling the inode limit completely.
I checked your website campusllc.net, and it’s not working from here. However, it’s also currently pointing to Namecheap’s nameservers, and to Namecheap’s IP addresses. So whatever issues you see right now are not caused by our hosting, because your domain name is not pointing to our hosting.
If you do still want to host your website with us, please update your domain’s DNS settings so it actually connects to our servers:
To answer your questions:
Your website isn’t blocked.
You should be able to find everything you need on iFastNet’s website. If there is anything specific you’d like to know, I can try to answer.
Regarding the support, it’s basically what you can expect with web hosting. Staff is there to help you with hosting issues, and can try to assist with website issues, but ultimately you’re still responsible for maintaining your own site. Response times are based on best effort, varying between roughly half an hour and half a day depending on availability capacity and load.
Your website is down because your website is pointing to Namecheap nameservers and IP addresses, and those IP addresses do not respond. We do not have access to that configuration, and so we cannot ensure that this does not happen again, because we cannot stop you from breaking your own website. However, if you also transfer your domain name to iFastNet, at least iFastNet can also help you configure the domain name along with the hosting as they have access to both parts.
In Infinityfree, it is easy to hit the inodes limit when hosting large Wordpress sites. I do not know the size of your Wordpress deployment but I have a suggestion for you regardless of the size of the Wordpress deployment.
You can host the website locally and temporarily on your machine during development (if applicable). It is easier to diagnose and fix the problem when the website is being hosted in unrestricted machine. Optimizations require multiple trial-and-error attempts. Failures commonly happen during optimization process. You do not want to mess up the public version of your website!
The only caveat is that it requires you to have a capable computer to be able to host the development version of your website.