Txt records

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I’m trying to parse exactly how I can accomplish verifying a txt record for a third party mail service. I’ve read a few posts, but it’s unclear if they apply to my situation. I have a domain purchased from BlueHost, hosted at InfinityFree, and am looking to use addy.io for a mail service. Am I right to assume that InfinityFree is the DNS here, as I am using it’s name servers to point traffic there (via BlueHost’s registration)? If so, is there really no way to add a txt record for verification?

It’s possible, but you can’t do it directly from InfinityFree’s system. Instead, you can set up Cloudflare with the custom domain you use on your InfinityFree account, and from there you can add a txt record on Cloudflare’s end. You can find a guide to setting up Cloudflare with your InfinityFree account, here.


It is possible to add normal TXT records here (However, DKIM records are not supported).

TXT records can be added in the SPF section of the control panel.

If you need to add a DKIM record, I recommend CloudFlare for managing your DNS zone as well.


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