Stuff about Miiverse Clones on the InfinityFree service

Hi there, I have decided to post about Miiverse Clones on this category to prove that they are not fraudulent websites.

Miiverse Clones are forum websites that are supposed to be like the old Miiverse, after it’s shutdown.

This person, named Adam, are trying to stop every Miiverse Clone, by sending false reports, saying that the website is fraudulent, at the email [email protected].

If he doesn’t get them banned for fraudulent, he spams pornographic content onto the Miiverse Clone, or saying messed up stuff, such as death wishes, sexual posts, and more.

This stuff results to getting the Miiverse Clone domain, and account suspended permanently, or temporarily until the content had been deleted.

The reason why iFastNet automatically flags the Miiverse Clones as fraud once notified, is that they do not take a second to review the website, or mostly, and probably, because the abuse email is ran by bots.

Not to put down iFastNet in any way though, their services are pretty good, but sometimes they have some snags to it.

This is to show, that Miiverse clones should be allowed on InfinityFree, and that this person, named Adam, is trying to ruin the fun of people who want to host Miiverse Clones.

But some people do think that making Miiverse Clones is violating Nintendo’s Copyright.

Here’s a quick answer.

It doesn’t.

Not even a single Miiverse clone that was ever made, was DMCA’d.

Here is Part Two of Miiverse Clones.

iFastNet had forbid all Miiverse Clones recently, which makes hosting a Miiverse Clone on iFastNet, no longer possible until further notice. Which is sad.

Hopefully, we get the right back.

Please read this thread to understand the reason behind the ban


Please contact iFastNet about this at There is nothing anyone here on the forum can do.


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