Something wrong when i use https

Website URL
current nameserver is from cloudflare

Error Message

when i browse my site with http protocol it’s normal,but when i browse with https protocol,i see this wrong message:


Other Information

domain register from,i follow step from this post(A Full Guide To Cloudflare),but i when i check my website,i see this error

(other information and details relevant to your question)

I see a too many redirects error, which means I am connecting to your website but your code in sending me in a redirect loop.


Try this instead


Yes, I just found out that the error message changed to ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

Self signed certificate I need to get from cloudflare control panel right? Is it an edge certificate, client certificate or origin server?

No. You can get a self-signed certificate from IF and install it in the control panel. Cloudflare will handle the edge certificate after you do this and select full SSL mode.

Anything you install in the IF control panel while using Cloudflare is an origin certificate. It does not matter if it is trusted or not


OK thanks, I’ll try it

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