Site is down (403 Access denied)

Website URL

epiz_33968142 ( Web)

Error Message

403 Access denied

Wordpress page says “404! We couldn’t find that page.”

Other Information

Hi. The site was up and running just a few days ago. I made no changes to the contents. Today I’ve discovered the site is down (connection time out), so I recalled that I have missed an SSL certificate update. As I updated the certificate, the page started showing 403 error. I have connected to FTP and I see the htdocs directory, but it’s empty. What the fiddlestick is going on? Can somebody help?

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Im having the same issue, I think it could be a issue with the InfinityFree servers being down, i just got this issue when I was accessing the FTP client and everything went blank, I checked my site and the same error happened 403 in the main site and now it wont connect to the site at all.


The 403 I am seeing is not from free hosting. Likely from you?



That was too free hosting. That’s what iFastNet has defined.

I assume there’s another outage where iFastNet screwed up disks again, causing the traditional file lost / no home directory / 403s like this.


I have, yes, but I for the life of me cannot see how it leads to solving the problem. If the index file is missing, I’m certainly not the one who removed it. I cannot see any of my files of that matter. What I do see is a number of people with the same issue, who started posting few hours ago.

I’m paying for my domain name, no issue on that end. I have a free plan on Infinityfree. Hosting volume name is vol1_7.

My main worry at the moment is whether my directory is gone for good. What I’d love to hear is “We’re having an issue, we’re on it, please be patient, it’s going to be ok”.

We are all genuine users who are trying to help.

The only one who can give a response like “We’re on it” is Admin (Or the iFastNet representive), and everyone including me is waiting for him.


Do you have a backup? Never leave anything to chance.


Thx, I appreciate it )

Well, if I had one, I’d probably be posting another kind of questions. Like “Need help restoring a backup” )). I’ve a better question: does Infinityfree have a backup?

I hate to say it but there’s none.


Indeed, why in the world would a hosting provider have a backup? Silly me.
Well, this sucks balls then. Big time.

Do you use WordPress? If you use WordPress then there’s a good chance the DB is still there and you can recover some data.


I do use Wordpress, but what worries me is the word “traditional”. I’ve had no issues with this hosting provider in almost exacly a year. Do these things happen regularly? 'Cause if the answer is yes, there will be no database restoring for sure.

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No, but they do sometimes happen throughout the time I was here. Not on all volumes of course.

DB is stored elsewhere and won’t be influenced by hosting volume outage.

Check your Account > MySQL Databases.


Man, I sincerely appreciate the help, but this is where I hit the brick wall. There is some sort of database, but I lack the skills to make any sense of it. It took me couple of evening to get my page up and running, and I seriously doubt I can figure out this database thing any quicker. I mean, I can change a tyre, but I’m not going to rebuild an engine.

Nobody says you should rebuild an engine. I can provide you with a solution, but we must wait for the outage to be over.


I’ll be more than happy to hear from you once we’re on the solid groung with all this, and I’m sure there’ll be plenty of other users who’s going to need this advice. Feel free to let me know of any developments. Cheers!

Do you see the “Export” tab in phpMyAdmin?

Before you actually start to get into recovery, it’s wise to take a backup of your DB with that function to prevent further data loss.


Got it. Nothing hard so far :grinning:

Great. But I guess we must wait and chill until Admin talks about the issue right now…

Starting right now makes things more difficult, and not very reliable.

Please also note that while most of the post data and layout, design, configs, etc, will remain intact, all the images are gone.

You’ll need to replace the old images with new ones you re-uploaded afterwards.