I am currently experiencing an issue with my website hosted on your free plan. When attempting to create and edit a new page, I receive an error message indicating that I have used all available resources. However, upon monitoring my resource usage, I have observed that my daily entry processes, CPU, and RAM usage are all below the average limits after site was suspended for over utilizing before.
Hosting Plan: InfinityFree Free Plan
Issue: Error message stating resource limit reached while creating/editing a new page
Resource Monitoring: Daily entry processes, CPU, and RAM usage are consistently below average and not fully utilized
Steps Taken:
Monitored resource usage through the control panel.
Verified that daily entry processes, CPU, and RAM usage are within acceptable limits.
Despite these checks, the issue persists. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter and identifying any potential underlying causes.
From what is left in your message after all the AI distorting, I sense an EP limit.
Do note that the EP graph shown is a EP failure graph. Even if it’s well below the limit, if you see it, then it means you’ve reached the EP limit, just not the EP failure limit.