Resource Limit Reached Error Despite Low

Dear InfinityFree Support Team,

I am currently experiencing an issue with my website hosted on your free plan. When attempting to create and edit a new page, I receive an error message indicating that I have used all available resources. However, upon monitoring my resource usage, I have observed that my daily entry processes, CPU, and RAM usage are all below the average limits after site was suspended for over utilizing before.


  • Hosting Plan: InfinityFree Free Plan
  • Issue: Error message stating resource limit reached while creating/editing a new page
  • Resource Monitoring: Daily entry processes, CPU, and RAM usage are consistently below average and not fully utilized

Steps Taken:

  1. Monitored resource usage through the control panel.
  2. Verified that daily entry processes, CPU, and RAM usage are within acceptable limits.

Despite these checks, the issue persists. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter and identifying any potential underlying causes.

Thank you for your support.

Please do not use AI to write your posts.

From what is left in your message after all the AI distorting, I sense an EP limit.

Do note that the EP graph shown is a EP failure graph. Even if it’s well below the limit, if you see it, then it means you’ve reached the EP limit, just not the EP failure limit.


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