Remote Mysql

Hello I am using a free trial version and when I try to link MYSQL Remote it’s Unavailable

So everything is working as expected


We don’t have a free trial version. InfinityFree just provides free hosting. It’s not a “trial”, it’s just a free service, period.

Please note the following that’s written on the home page of our website:

Is InfinityFree a demo, trial or sample for premium hosting?

Absolutely not! InfinityFree is fully featured, completely free website hosting. We provide promotional offers for alternative, premium services for people looking for more, but their services are very different. InfinityFree is not a representation of these offers.

That’s correct. You need premium hosting for that.

And no, you can’t get that on the “free trial” hosting because free hosting is not a trail service for premium hosting. If you want to see if premium hosting is a good fit for you, you need to try premium hosting.


*free hosting is not a trial service for premium hosting


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