Redirect email from zoho to my infinityfree

Excuse me please, I can’t find it, can you send a print-screen, plaese? Thank you.



Have you added to your account? If so, the IP address is the one you see when you enter that account.


Answer from zoho:

Hello Customer,

It is considered mandatory to add the DKIM record to your DNS page to make sure all your emails are delivered to your recipient’s inbox. Not having the DKIM record, will either deliver your emails in SPAM or will get rejected based upon recipient’s service.

Hence, please check with your domain provider to have the DKIM record configured to your DNS page as advised.

Hope you understand.

My question.

Is there any free way to do it? Thank you.

Why you don’t try to use, they don’t have dkim, also I believe we have guide how to do it.

I will search for it and will post it here.

Edit: How to create free business email with ImprovMX look this.

Edit2: From improvmx you will need only to setup mx records and cname which are available in free hosting here

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Thank you. Can you tell me please, if at improvmx, it can be automatically instant forward all my received emails on [email protected], to my free gmail account?



@KangJL but the @Admin said that I can’t use dkim with free infinityfree account.

You can if you use Cloudflare. What admin means is that you cannot do it without Cloudflare (aka with our nameservers).


Can you tell me please, how can I find the ip, for step numer 8 from the tutorial, if is not showen on the infinitydashboard? Should I use the ip for from the second print-screen? Thank you.

Yes. Since this is the hosting account belongs in, this is the IP you should use. IP addresses are assigned per hosting account, not per domain.

You’ll also need to decide if you want to use Zoho, or ImprovMX. You can use one or the other, but you can’t use both. It seems you want to proceed with adding the DKIM record, so I’m guessing you have your mind set on using Zoho mail via Cloudflare DNS.


Yes, indeed, @ChrisPAR I will use zoho. is not working since I changed the nameservers in my registrar,

from infinityfree to the ones from cloudfare. Probably it will work again, after I will finish the configuration from the tutorial?

Before, in the infinityfree dashboard under was showen also

email [email protected] is working. is not working.
Any ideas, please?

Thank you.

No issue


Thank you, @KangJL, maybe is just loading extremely slow?

Or any other DNS provider of your choice. Using specifically Cloudflare is not necessary. If you’d rather use the DNS service of your domain name provider, then you can use that instead.


What does it mean “Inodes Used:” ?
How can I decrease them?
What will happen when Inodes Used, will go to 100%, they are already 96%? Will the site work any more? Will I have to pay something when reaching 100%? If yes, how much?

Does anyone know why any menu from the site doesn’t work, any more? If for this matter, is not infinityfree responsibility, can anyome tell me please, where I must ask, or how can i find out by myself, why the site doesn’t show the menues and the other details, like before? Thank you.

All of these questions and more are explained in detail in this article:

Please check the knowledge base before posting next time, it contains a lot of useful information.

It’s because you have configured WordPress to use pretty URLs, but have replaced the default WordPress .htaccess rules (which are necessary to make this work).

Please restore the default WordPress .htaccess rules to your .htaccess files to fix this:

Also, generally speaking, specific website functionality not working is always first and foremost your responsibility. Even if it is caused by a hosting problem, the burden is on you to investigate it and confirm that it’s not a code issue, configuration issue, or any other issue out of our control.


In order, to decrease the “Inodes Used” can I delete the htdocs folder, the one circled with red from the next print screen:

Thank you.