hi when i visit my website davrunaglobal.org or davrunaglobal.org/shop it shows up normally but when i go on igocnito it shows This site can’t provide a secure connection
davrunaglobal.org sent an invalid response.
also cpanel is not working
January 10, 2020, 3:30pm
Your site is working fine from here.
The epizy.com domain name is currently down, which affects all subdomains and some custom domains which rely on it. You can read more about that here:
Since this morning, it appears that an issue at our domain registrar has caused the domain epizy.com tobe unavailable.
Subdomains of epizy.com are unreachable
With epizy.com itself being unreachable, all free subdomains of epizy.com are unreachable as well. There is sadly no workaround for this.
If you do need your website to be reachable urgently, you can of course create an additional subdomain for your hosting using another domain name. You can do so through the Subdomains section in your c…
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February 9, 2020, 3:30pm
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