Since this morning, it appears that an issue at our domain registrar has caused the domain tobe unavailable.
Subdomains of are unreachable
With itself being unreachable, all free subdomains of are unreachable as well. There is sadly no workaround for this.
If you do need your website to be reachable urgently, you can of course create an additional subdomain for your hosting using another domain name. You can do so through the Subdomains section in your control panel.
Effects on custom domains
While custom domains (like are not part of, custom domain name owners may still experience difficulty in one of the following ways.
Nameservers no longer respond
If you use and as your nameservers, your custom domain will not be reachable.
To fix this, you can change the nameservers at your domain registrar from and to and These addresses point to the same nameservers and will respond with the right DNS settings.
MX records is unreachable
If your domain name is using our mail service, it’s probably configured to use
as the MX record. Since this record is currently unreachable, you can use
MySQL database hostname is unreachable
If your website is using a database hostname like
, this domain name may not work anymore either. You can work around this by changing your website’s database configuration to use
Main domain is unreachable
If you’re using third party nameservers like Cloudflare, you may have configured those nameservers to point to the main domain name of your hosting account. Since the main domain usually includes, this may affect the status of your domain name as well.
To fix this, you can remove the CNAME records with your main domain, and replace them with A records pointing to your website IP address. To figure out your website IP address, you can use this tool. Simply replace the domain name in the top left box with your account’s main domain (yes, the broken one) and click Dig. The IP address just below there, which looks like 185.27.134.XXX, is the IP address of your hosting account.
What caused this issue?
It appears that the domain name disappeared on our registrar NameSilo’s end, as it seems like the domain does not exist at all anymore in their platform.
When will this issue be resolved?
We’re currently trying to get in touch with our domain registrar NameSilo to get this issue resolved.