New Website not working

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Error Message

Website is temporary unavailable

Contact hosting administrator to activate this website.

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I have created a functioning ssl certificate and a home page in sitebuilder.

You need to provide more info.
This is the most suitable generic reply


Hello @parspe,

  1. We need more information, i.e. no info == no support.
  2. So you’re using site builder. pro?
  3. Can you share a URL?

@parspe How long ago was this site made? What is the URL? When using the forum template, please fill it out more, it will get you faster and better responses.


Ok, website is working now with a static index.html page. I made the website the Dec 18. I checked to see if DNS was propagating after 72 hours and all was well there. I made a ssl certificate and got it working fine. I created a site builder for the site and it was not working. Problem must be with the site builder as far as I can determine. Thx.


Apparently it is the same issue as below:
Contact hosting administrator to activate this website. - Hosting Support - InfinityFree Forum
Website is temporary unavailable - Hosting Support - InfinityFree Forum

Does sitepro still work or is the site builder in the control panel no longer fully functional?

The site builder in cPanel was taken away. It is no longer functional, even if you can access it.


Just to clarify:

The site builder in the control panel does not work, and is no longer accessible.
The site builder in the client area does work, and should be used instead.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


1.- Has you tried uninstalling all extensions for Google Chrome?
2.- Win + r → cmd type route print look for strange or weird IP routes ( maybe IPs from Iran, China, Russia, North Korea) route delete -p mask
3.- Uninstall NIC interfaces for Ethernet and reinstall NIC interfaces again

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This sounds like a related issue, but I would need to check your site to know for sure.

So if you want actual answers and not just speculation, please share your website URL like others have asked for too.


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