Yesterday, the page was setup properly and I could visit without problem.
Today, when I open it, it shows me a different page.
I looked into the networking requests, it seems it is parked by someone
I have checked that there is no parking setting in the cpanel.
Need help !
(other information and details relevant to your question)
Your ISP may also be caching it. You may need to contact them if it is not resolved within 24 hours.
It times out over HTTPS because you donât have a TLS certificate installed.
Hey bro,
It was working properly yesterday even with HTTPS.
And the ISP doesnât come with transparent caching at all.
From the finding, it clearly is showing that the returned page (200) is a parked page instead.
Interesting. Please wait the 72 hours, though. Your website is working fine in some parts of the world, such as Europe, but not many other places. This is because of DNS propagation which can take up to 72 hours to complete. Please have patience.
When the map below is covered with Xs, your website should be fine.
I have got the same Oops. Now.
You can see, it is because the redirection of HTTP to HTTPS is in effect.
And HTTPS is not available which disconnected all connection from the system.
Therefore, I am pretty sure my problems are all related to the system instead.
Shall there be any support from infinityfree ?