I have redirected my domain(cclms.cf) nameservers’ to infinity free ones and waited for hours but still, it displays the error: Your domain is not yet pointing to ns1.epizy.com and ns2.epizy.com. Change your nameservers at your domain registrar and wait a few hours. You can also create an account with a subdomain first.
Because your domain is indeed still not pointing to our nameservers. You can find a guide on how to change the nameservers on a Freenom domain here. Put as custom nameservers in the section indicated by the guide (2 are required; the rest can be left alone) ns1.byet.org
and ns2.byet.org
and save the changes.
I have done the same still the error persist.How much time does it take after changing the nameservers.
It would take from 30 minutes to 24 hours for the nameserver changes to be propagated to the root nameservers of your domain.
This is how I entered the desired nameservers, will wait for some time and will get back to you.Thanks for help.
Hello, please tell me, it worked? Am I also trying but it gives an error? need to wait 24 hours?
It’s not working, couldn’t find any possible alternative for it.
for all Freenom users here
add ns https://my.freenom.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=3
there are some online suggestions about Freenom and DNS problems
( if problem are confirmed with this tool !!! )
the first is to go into Freenom settings
and return to their default NS and wait 24h
then put the custom NS back and wait at least 30min-24h
the other is to delete the domain from their system and then add it again
after that config. custom NS and then wait at least 30min-24h
I think DNS propagation in a free domain to register completely does not work well because you are not a full domain owner and the domain is controlled by the registrar
My advice is try waiting 24-48 hours at the most for DNS propagation and see the results because I see the DNS is still not connected until now or you can buy a cheap domain according to the service provider and point to InfinityFree
Those look to be the wrong nameservers.
Following this guide, try use these nameservers:
I just did a DNS lookup for your domain name, and got the following output:
; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P1-1ubuntu2.5-Ubuntu <<>> ns +trace cclms.cf
;; global options: +cmd
. 4131 IN NS e.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS f.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS g.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS h.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS i.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS j.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS k.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS l.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS m.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS a.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS b.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS c.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN NS d.root-servers.net.
. 4131 IN RRSIG NS 8 0 518400 20191020110000 20191007100000 22545 . UIiCBtyxcPDKvZrsYkKe9/rO+iF83NUFZ3K0iUZCMiqsTOXgVt6KwnI7 lrCtFEPm5sow2cs6mfvwSYJb7E/6fSrRveGH5on7bQUyyxTbxrUtj1n7 v/Mz5sIlUGGCAPVtVr1IFJ7uPxEesGck1UCfOM/fTpVDYBD2Qisr37oh Hz1RgVYvzWY0afzWPVqTs5qeOGkkZoOJzRj9HkhxZClHXPj1IctgCC0E qNeFv9UozbT3Ve520HVsyyQTIc7qYY6z2HIJ2aKAeCLD7jDmUCmOTFmZ 5QTpXxtBIQK+pn8GWSJ9nX+h+KWH7K5jlOMSG9KQhcLeOlSnQ/Z+RWUZ NMrbBw==
;; Received 717 bytes from in 25 ms
cf. 172800 IN NS a.ns.cf.
cf. 172800 IN NS b.ns.cf.
cf. 172800 IN NS c.ns.cf.
cf. 172800 IN NS d.ns.cf.
cf. 86400 IN NSEC cfa. NS RRSIG NSEC
cf. 86400 IN RRSIG NSEC 8 1 86400 20191020170000 20191007160000 22545 . mUblFLQCUBPafOlOpjaYudg1XsYKNFxjOWyh+FOlQLBcqdJ6NCbKgKtN LZCkJ1txxRZopYWi9I0lC7iL+ClX3p7t/IZRtqSdAdY2pLRcNHoRrTZo sPntzRu9JuJq0wCoPMd+Q5Uc/6xpqIE1fvyW65SGWYkRvTQ3RgYiB4X5 +h9+fFRXyZXS1d8TP6/WmfWw6x1ur2oqz9L6zHeouJrA5M+JN+qmwfEr RVtmE/4LhP7ulrt03UySXkflFi/Lt1r76yPUremKoAZ7I7OR5OiiVbFN zBmMfLf9/M9W6HjaWyam07iThDPVJFEiXzWQom89Mp16lvuspFpd3Jb3 IfEVJw==
;; Received 592 bytes from in 25 ms
;; Connection to 2a04:1b00:6::1#53(2a04:1b00:6::1) for cclms.cf failed: network unreachable.
;; Connection to 2a04:1b00:7::1#53(2a04:1b00:7::1) for cclms.cf failed: network unreachable.
;; Connection to 2a04:1b00:4::1#53(2a04:1b00:4::1) for cclms.cf failed: network unreachable.
;; communications error to end of file
;; Connection to 2a04:1b00:6::1#53(2a04:1b00:6::1) for cclms.cf failed: network unreachable.
;; Connection to 2a04:1b00:7::1#53(2a04:1b00:7::1) for cclms.cf failed: network unreachable.
;; Connection to 2a04:1b00:4::1#53(2a04:1b00:4::1) for cclms.cf failed: network unreachable.
;; Connection to 2a04:1b00:5::1#53(2a04:1b00:5::1) for cclms.cf failed: network unreachable.
cf. 5 IN SOA a.ns.cf. kohilaire.socatel.cf. 1570473073 10800 3600 604800 5
;; Received 96 bytes from in 2476 ms
It seems like the root DNS servers of the .cf domains are not functioning properly. This is something only Freenom can fix, so please contact them about this.
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