I use to URLS wolftagvr.rf.gf (My games website its nothing big besides a about, contact, and privacy policy pages currently) and wolfstudio.rf.gd (my personal website for my yt and twitch). Well they both have a google SSL and i recently got banned on youtube after uploading a stream with that site in the description. It marked it as “Deceptive” “Phishing” and “Harmful”… as you can tell im pretty mad about this. There isnt anything on there. Im currently working on an account system to be implemented to my game so people can make appeals but this isnt ok. So if anyone knows what i can do, or a better hosting place to go to, that would be great.
Please report it as a false positive to Google. We cannot help you unfortunately.
Ok, so I did that, it’s still being marked. If you want to test it be my guest, my friend has been checking everyday, same as I, and it hasn’t gotten better. I got banned on something that means a good amount to me Becuase of it. I never had this problem before and it just started outta no where.
Unfortunately, this is Google’s doing, and there isn’t much anyone here can do to resolve it for you. Sometimes it may take some time for Google to reevaluate your site after reporting that the detection is a false positive. Adding your site to the Google Seach Console if you haven’t already can help.
Ok, how do I do that? I use an infinity free subdomain cause I’m broke lol. There’s no way to add a txt record to it? Unless there is and I’m just blind.
No, you can’t add TXT records other than SPF records on the subdomains we offer, but you can integrate Google Search Console with a file you have to upload by adding the property as an URL prefix:
Ok I’ll try this! Thank you!
Ok! i got them verified and it just says "These pages attempt to trick users into doing something dangerous, such as installing unwanted software or revealing personal information. " on my index.html? I dont see anything there.
sadly google generates a lot of false positives
I got so annoyed with it blocking a lot of sites that I know are 100% ok that I had to disable safe browsing in my browser settings
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