Moved from 10k

Due to the limited number of posts that a topic can contain and better forum speeds,
here are the moved posts from the 10k topic, which are low values and mostly written to increase the number of posts in someone’s statistics.

  • some of the conversations should be PM (constant conversation of two people)

  • 20% of posts are about discord (and everything that happens there)

  • 10% is actually OK but I moved here because otherwise the thread would break and it would be weird to look at the original

Let no one feel offended - it is nothing personal :slightly_smiling_face:

This way you will keep your number of posts instead if I decided to delete it,
and I don’t think the forum would let me delete such a large number
because it would think that my account was compromised and after a certain number of deletions it would probably block me in that action.

Thank you for understanding

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Why does everyone look at me p-rvently?


I don’t look at you in a p3rv3rt way.





Rare emoji time :exploding_head:


Lol I was kidding, but that’s what :eyes: means.

I just use it in as an alternative to staring or awkward silence :expressionless:

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Yep :eyes:

I use it in ‘WTF?’ way. :eyes:

:neutral_face: ok


