Invalid domain name, please check your input error

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL


Error Message

“Invalid Domain, please check your input…”

Other Information

I’m trying to add as a domain but it doesn’t allow me to. I’ve pointed the nameservers to it, same error.

Looks good, please try again.

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A post was split to a new topic: Can you help me

Nope, still the same error. I think it’s because InfinityFree has a filter for domains and .gay isn’t one of them?

Hm, I did try adding your domain and I got the same error. Maybe Admin will be able to let us know what’s going on.

I genuinely think it’s them making a whitelist of all “acceptable” domains, and .gay isn’t one of said whitelisted domains.

We’ll have to wait and see.

I can try it and see what’s going on.

As what kind of domain? A parked domain or addon domain? And if you’re adding it as a parked domain, which domain are you parking it on?

I’ve tried to add it as an add-on domain

Thanks. I tried adding the domain and I got the same error.

I had iFastNet look into it and it seems there was a problem fetching the latest domain extensions. This has been fixed now and the domain is now added to your account.


cheers man <3

Small issue now that has just been brought to my attention, with the recent issues involving iFastNet, my MONSTA file manager has ceased working. I’m aware that its wide spread, but according to a post by you, it should’ve been resolved? Sorry for slight necro.

There was one issue with some home directories not being available. The FTP server would respond 421 Home directory not available - aborting. As far as I know, that issue was fixed.

But since last night, there seems to be a new problem with the FTP server. It now says 421 6900 users (the maximum) are already logged in, sorry. That issue seems to be ongoing.

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Where is your domain register?

The issue was resolved already, I just followed up with a seperate issue.

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Ok, no problem

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