Index.html file disappears after 1 second

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I’m uploading index.html using Filezilla. It gets uploaded successfully and is visible for 1 second, then it disappears. Index2.html is inside the htdocs folder but index.html just disappears

Hi and welcome to the forum! Take note of the file size limits, which are these:

On that same article you can also find tips to reduce the size of your page. Oh, and also make sure the DNS record for your domain points to the website IP shown on the Client Area, since you’re using GoDaddy nameservers.


My index.html is tiny, just 782 bytes. No other files are in there either. It’s like it’s getting deleted automatically as soon as it’s transferred there.

@DJ_Rich Could you upload the file somewhere like google drive for example and share the link to it so I could take a look ?



Somehow my forum name got deleted or something and I had to change it now.

Anyway, here’s the link

[](https://Link to index.html)

It’s just supposed to contain a chatbot that would be embedded there. The chatbot is hosted in a different site.

Thank you for the help.

that link takes me to a sign in page, is there a way to share without having to sign in ?
maybe the share options on the file need to be configured


Sorry about that. Here’s a Google Drive link

Thank you.

Well, here’s your problem. Chat scripts are banned from being hosted on InfinityFree, and it’s enforced so strictly that the word “chat” is banned from being in files uploaded to your account, including HTML documents.


I see. I’m sorry, I didn’t know that. Thank you for letting me know…

Thanks a lot!

Yeah I was going to say that its possibly because of a chat script but the original poster said that the chat is external so I ignored my thoughts

If you find a chat that can work in an iframe but runs externally then that should be ok with this hosting

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Ahhh, yes, I believe it can be run in an Iframe. That was actually the original plan. Right now, it’s run on Telegram so the size of the window is a bit limited. Even on a desktop it looks like you’re viewing it on a mobile phone…

That still doesn’t solve the mystery of the disappearing index.html file though. Do you think the system is deleting it because it detects “chat” in the HTML or something like what EdwardHamHam said?

Thanks for the help!

It would not delete the file, but return a 403