I want to upload my website on wordpress

I have a website and i already uploaded it to infinity free and it’s working but i can’t use a specific seo plugin except through wordpress i installed wordpress successfully but i don’t know How to replace the site set defult by wordpress and put my website
My website contains alot of files

Use other alternative?

What do you mean? Write clearly


I just want to upload my website on wordpress after installing and apears instead of wordpress defult page - because there is a plugin i want to use -
There isn’t an alternative plugin i can install directly

This is a domin i created for my website http://dream-whisperer.rf.gd/?i=1
I just want to put my website instead of the defult wordpress page and i attached a screen pic of it
Is that clear enough sir?

I still do not get you. Are you referring to themes?


No sir
I will try to explain in simple words
When i installed wordpress there is already an exsiting defult website i want to replace this website with my own website i don’t know how to do that
I attached a screen pic of my website files

I just want to upload these files instead of the Current website through ftp but i don’t know What folder i should put in and What to remove because i tried to upload it before to wp-content but nothing changed

I hope i my explantion is simple and clear
Appreciate your help and sorry if i bothering u

That is not the way to work with Wordpress.
If you have working website files, just upload the files to /htdocs


Yes sir i know that way so if i can’t upload my website to wordpress and that’s not how it works
i want to upload Rank math seo plugin manually to my /htdocs
Should i create plugin folder and put the plugin inside or What should i do and how to activate it or that’s not possbile

You should extract the plugin file locally then upload it to wp-content/plugins directory


No sir that’s not i meant i have removed wordpress
I want to upload the plugin directly to my htdocs you will ok do it well the problem i don’t know if that is the correct way to add a plugin manually
Tell me the steps to add a plugin manually to my ftp

I want to to add the plugin to this path but i don’t know if it’s the correct way to add a plugin or not

How do you expect a Wordpress plugin to work if Wordpress is removed?


I’m sorry for the misunderstand is was mean to add it manually to softaculous
So i think it’s possbile to install Rank math seo plugin right?
If it’s possbile please tell me the steps to install it

Will not work this way. Please get it right.

  1. Install Wordpress
  2. Install the plugin

I can’t move my website files to wordpress i will had to create it from the begining on wordpress and actually my friend he who created the website for me and he busy these days so even if i wanted to create a new website on wordpress i can’t

Rank Math SEO is WordPress plug-in. “Plug-in” means it’s designed to “plug in” to something, in this case WordPress. Without WordPress the plugin can’t plug in to anything, and it cannot be used.

So if you want to use that plugin, you need WordPress. You can either install it fresh or import an existing site, but no WordPress means no WordPress plug-ins.

If you have a WordPress site you want to use, you’ll need to use WordPress. Or you need to untangle your site from WordPress, but that’s much more complicated than what you’ve been doing until now. And know that you don’t need to be able to create a WordPress site from scratch to use WordPress.

Please think and decide for yourself what you want to do with your site. Just know that you can’t just dump a plugin in your file and expect the rest of the website will just appear around it.


I don’t mind use WordPress but i don’t know how to move my website to it i even installed it then installed migrate plugin but didn’t Work it’s migrate only wordpress websites but you mentioned that don’t need to be able to create a WordPress site from scratch to use WordPress. So would you tell me the steps to move my website to wordpress and start using wordpress

So you want to migrate a WordPress site that was hosted somewhere else to InfinityFree, correct? Luckily this has been talked about before.


No sir i already have a website hosted in infinity free and i want to move it to wordpress that i installed also here from softaculous

I don’t think you understand how WordPress works. You can transfer your website to WordPress unless it is already a WordPress website. You can’t just convert your website to WordPress, it does not work that way.

In softaculous, you can install WordPress, then create your website (Using whatever WordPress plugins) how you want it.


So to move a non wordpress website to wordpress is impossible and i have to create it from the begining and there is no way to move any non wordpress website to wordpress right?

Correct. It’s possible to recreate a website with the same contents as an existing website in WordPress, but that’s something that would have to be done by hand. You can’t just dump a website into WordPress and have it automatically put together.