How to hide my post?

I want to hide my Infinityfree posts. I see that there is no option, and I don’t have permission to use the delete button. I was not aware that they are all indexed on Google and other search engines. If there is no way to hide them, please consider deleting them. I don’t want to display all my information all over the internet.


As a public forum, we keep all information and topics here public for future users that may have the same problem.

That said, I am willing to remove URLs from your posts, just let me know which ones.


Thank you I have no issue if people get their issues resolved as long as these links do not appear in search results when searches for my website, please remove the and with URL prefix, and please dont forget to remove the images if possible, thank you.


I think I got all the URLs, let me know if I messed one.

I did not remove the images and they are needed to understand the topics, and editing them will take too much time for me. However, I don’t think Google ranks websites based on images, it’s mostly text-based.


Thank you, I forgot to mention one last thing, please edit the Reddit link from this post: My website image url not able to show preview/thumbnail to reddit post,

And you forget 1 link from this post: Trying to uploading data using PHP and HTML form to SQL DATABASE - #17 by Artscollections

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