How to add Subdomains to Cloudflare

Alright people, who breaks your subdomains with Cloudflare integration, I have the solution.

Add cloudflare but “Manually”.
(This works only who have your own domain name.)

In this tutorial you see how to add Cloudflare at your own, and add subdomains with the SSL paddlock in your URL too.

  1. Disable the “integration of cloudflare” on cPanel.

  2. Go to cloudflare, Log in and “delete the site” that you have in cloudflare, (if you have it)… just scrolling down the page to “remove site from cloudflare.”

  3. Wait atleast 12 hours to cloudflare actualize the state of the account. And the propagate thing. (yeah, its a pain)

  4. Go to cloudflare and Add a New site+.

  5. Follow the instructions. Write “your” domain name (write without the www).

  6. Select the free plan.

  7. When you click “confirm”, cloudflare automatically “takes” the IP from your site in infinity free, and all the data needed.
    In that window, (not showed here) cloudflare gives you two DNS names: and Its diferent for each user.

  8. Go to Your Registrar server. Mine is Godaddy. So im go to the site…

  9. I click on DNS button and give me this screen, change the DNS names to the cloudflare’s names. Clic on “save”.

  10. Wait another 24hours to propagate the thing!..

  11. Go to cloudflare and if its ok they gives you this screen:

    Thats the root name, the www name, and the MX (mail) name. So its perfect. you have the SSL in the 3 registers.
    or this screen telling you that its all ok:

Adding Subdomains to Cloudflare:

First you have to make a subdomain in Infinity free cPanel. Because the server have to make the hosting folder. If you have one, just pass this step to 6.

  1. Log-in to client-area, Go to cPanel and click on “Subdomains”…

  2. In the dropbox scroll down and select your domain name.

  3. Write the name of your subdomain. Mine gonna be “toyshop”.

  4. Go to FTP or File Manager, and you’ll see tha a folder named “toyshop.xxxx” is created.

  5. Go to Cloudflare account and click on DNS section. It shows this:

  6. Clic on “Add Record” and show this option. Where say “Type”, clic on the dropdown menu “A” and select “CNAME”.

  7. In “Name” box, write the name of your subdomain (mine is “toyshop”), in “Target” write the domain name. Clic on save.

  8. Now as you can see, the subdomain is added to the list.

  9. Now that’s it. Just go to the File Manager and upload an “index.html” or .php or whatever stuff you use, to your “Subdomain Folder”. And you can see that all your subdomains will have the SSL activation.

  10. Remember to activate the redirection from HTTP to HTTPS in cloudflare, its under SSL/TLS section > Edge Certificates:

That’s it. Simple and clear. I have to write this because i don’t find clear information on the Infinity Free forums. And everybody wants to have your site 100% verified. :wink:


Very nice guide, wish I knew this before I already had figured everything out.

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Thanks a lot! Exactly what I was looking for :slight_smile: