My domain is constantly going under

I read on the internet that these things are done by hacker bots, how can I fight / protect my website from this?

@anon2458064 how did i hit the limits?

Hits are the amount of different scripts you have on your site


what are scripts?

If you load one PHP file, that’s counted as one hit.
Since your website have multiple files, such as PHP, JS, and CSS, and with these DDoS attacks resulting hundreds to thousand hits in few minutes, you can be suspended.


Do you know one plugin to protect my site?

The built in bot protection system does a little bit to help, but if you want better DDOS protection, then get cloudflare provided it is not a subdomain.


Unfortunately InfinityFree cant do anything about hackers, either change domain or upgrade to premium

Maybe infinityfree can’t but you can, have a look at this post: How to add Subdomains to Cloudflare

it doesnt work against HTTP Flood

your wrong there…


is it normal in the first 72 hours that my site can sometimes be accessed at other times being down?

Mine was that way. Sometimes it seems it’s down just if you omit the http://www. before your URL. Try typing that and then your URL and it might work more often.

did yours after the first 72 hours look good? Without these flaws?

Sometimes it still says This domain has been disabled, but never so far when I use the full URL http://www. and so

Sometime this doesn’t work, kinda random.


Please don’t create mutliple topics about your site not working. I merged most of them here. Sorry for the mess.


Mentioned by admin :scream:

Just Point you domain to cloudflare they’ll sort out automatically :slight_smile:

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