How do I upload an HTML shopping site from my computer to infinity?

Como faço para subir um sait de compras em HTML do meu computador para a infinity?

Translated by the moderator

How do I upload an HTML shopping site from my computer to infinity?

Please speak English or use


Uploading: Screenshot at 2021-12-07 01-32-32.png…
You can use the google translation plug-in

Está em jpg, não dá para traduzir foto.
It’s in jpg, you can’t translate a photo.

Sigui todos os passos mas no FareZila aparece essa mensagem: Listagem do diretório “/” bem sucedida
Resposta: 421 Timeout - try typing a little faster next time
Erro: GnuTLS erro -110 em gnutls_record_recv: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
Estado: O servidor não fechou devidamente a conexão TLS
Erro: Não foi possível ler do soquete: ECONNABORTED - Conexão cancelada
Erro: Desconectado do servidor

Once again, please type in English

I followed all the steps but in FareZila this message appears: Directory listing “/” successful Answer: 421 Timeout - try typing a little faster next time Error: GnuTLS error -110 in gnutls_record_recv: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated. Status: Server did not properly close TLS connection Error: Unable to read from socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection canceled Error: Disconnected from server

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I followed all the steps, but in FareZila this message appears: Directory list “/” successful Answer: 421 Timeout - try typing a little faster next time Error: GnuTLS error -110 in gnutls_record_recv: TLS connection failed closed correctly. Status: Server did not properly close TLS connection Error: Unable to read from socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection canceled Error: Disconnected from server

Excuse me please

That’s all normal.

If it says “Directory list successful”, it means the FTP connection is fully set up, and you should see a list of the files and folders in your account in the pane on the right. At that point, you can navigate through the directories on your account and start uploads and downloads.

If you don’t do this, the server will kick you out for inactivity. That’s what the “421 try typing a little faster next time” message is about. This is not a problem with the FTP connection. If you see it, just reconnect and you can keep going.


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