I’ve been going at this for a few years, and the first thing to note is that sometimes writing a post and defending your actions is a waste of time.
Some people have a bad experience and hate InfinityFree and possibly hate me. I don’t want this to happen of course if I can help it, but sometimes this happens and sometimes people feel this way. Most people go quietly if that happens. To those people I say: I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience, and best of luck with your new provider.
Some people leave a bad review after that bad experience. Again, I don’t like seeing them, but there is usually some merit to them.
And some people just want to get revenge, and are willing to sink a lot of time and effort into exacting it, usually by opening many new and existing post to tell to everyone how InfinityFree sucks, that I’m a fraud, that service XXX is so much better and that everyone who says otherwise is an idiot and a liar.
I’ve seen this many times, I’ve tried to engage such people many times and in many different ways, and I’ve yet to find any strategy to help comfort people in such situations. Everything I’ve tried either doesn’t help or made it worse.
Which creates delightful situations like this:
The most effective way of dealing with situations like this is to give a few warnings first. If those are not heeded, then I cut off their megaphone: delete the posts and silence/suspend the forum user.
Because while I can’t go back and make your experience better, I can help keep the peace here and make sure that others don’t have a bad experience.
I’ll say it again: I’m sorry you’ve had this experience, and I wish you best of luck with your new hosting providers.
But please let the people who enjoy InfinityFree do so in peace.