Ftp not allowing me to add directory

Yes goodluck! You know, marking solution is the key!

And it’s simple to add an ssl for your website:

finally got a ssl certificate installed but still saying its unsecure is there something im missing ?

Where did you get it?


It is because your site also has a mixed content (HTTP & HTTPS).

In order to fix, make sure that all of your url’s resources including url images, css file are HTTPS.

Example here is your header image

Then you should change the http:// into https://


And you could just try to install the Really Simple SSL plugin from wordpress, this will help you to overwrite all HTTP request into HTTPS.

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all done looking secure nice one thank you again for help its greatly appreciated

Glad to help!

Anyone have any idea why my account would be blocked for

When the last thing I did was install an ssl

There are many possible reasons that make your account suspended for ABUSE.

If you already created a support ticket, asked them what part of your code triggered the security system. Then come back here, and share us their response.

This may be caused by a plugin, theme or files.

Will do as soon as I get a response

Hi there,
please confirm what is the purpose / content of your websites?.. this free account has over used its limits.
As a result of the high server load and resource usage, this free web hosting account has been suspended.

You should consider upgrading to a premium account:

Every premium account includes a free domain name, huge disk space, traffic quotas and no CPU quotas with hundreds of extra features:

Thank you and stay safe !

Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

How many times you site been suspended?

Oh its happens also to me. To optimize Wordpress for InfinityFree, here are some tricks:

  1. Disable wp-cron.php and activate the real cron job (-5% Server & Resources Load)
  2. Disable xmlrpc.php (-1.5% Server & Resources Load)
  3. Use webp format for images. (-5% Server Load)
  4. Dont use plugins that is collecting data for statistics ( -4% Server Load).
  5. Compress all the files at their maximum level ( -5% Server & Res Load)
  6. Consider optimizing plugins (- 10% Server Load)

Overall : About 25.5% Server & Resources Load Will be Saved

theyve basically said ive got to pay premium now

If it is necessary and really required then you should upgrade it to premium hosting.

Here some must-tips to avoid cpu limit:
Use caching and minifying (W3 Total Cache)
Don’t use too much plugins (Remove inactive plugins)
Don’t try to run plugins or scripts at the same time.

they are not forcing you to upgrade, it just a friendly reminder that you should migrate to premium because they often see your site consuming big resources all the time.