FTP Connection Error

Website URL


Error Message

Error: Builder could not connect to hosting server. Please check hosting firewall. It must allow FTP connections from builder server.

Other Information

I’ve tried changing the password twice and it still doesn’t work. Could you publish it over at your end. Btw for future users who stumble upon this normal error. How long must we wait before we can successfully publish the site without the error popping up? Thanks

Hi I got same problem literally in same time maybe its problem on builder end. Do you also use the site.pro

I don’t have any issues with site pro right now. If your account was recently created or reactivated then you must visit your control panel once to enable ftp.


How i can do that

Follow this:

If it still doesn’t work, you and the OP will have to try again later.


Can there reason be that edited site pro htaccess file

This is usually a temporary issue between SIte.Pro and our FTP server. It’s not clear why exactly this issue happens, but it should resolve itself automatically.

There is nothing wrong with your account or the FTP server itself. When opening Site.Pro, the client area validates that FTP access is working for your account. So if you are able to open the Site.Pro builder, it means Site.Pro should be able to publish too.


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