Website URL
I won’t share or else you guys will go and access my site until it is suspended.
Error Message
Other Information
I recently switched from macOS to Windows.
I won’t share or else you guys will go and access my site until it is suspended.
I recently switched from macOS to Windows.
General info = general help
Look closely. It is timing out every single time
I pretty much looked closely enough to see that you have been experiencing a timeout. So I gave you an article because that’s too general.
It looks like I’ll have to just use the annoying online file manager
When this happened to me updating my account password fixed it. I also found that if I copy it from the client area it sometimes copes with a space causing the same error.
The only other thing is to check your FTP host. I thought all infinity free ones were but I might be wrong with that
You could try connecting to the IP address directly instead of the hostname, just in case it’s a DNS issue. Try connecting to Also, if it’s a new account you may have to open it in the control panel (not the client area) for its FTP account to become active.
Beyond that, we can’t help you in any specific way without your site’s URL, especially if FTP is working fine for everyone else.
It is, but should work as well- they both point to the same IP address, so either one can be used to access the FTP server. The domain name is no longer available for new InfinityFree customers to use as a subdomain, but it’s still up and running.
It doesn’t appear to be a DNS issue, because it does show you’re connecting to the right IP. However, it’s possible that the FTP connection is being blocked because of a firewall/virus scanner/network filter that’s blocking the connection. Or just bad router configuration.
The FTP server itself is also up, so there is not a lot we can do right now with the information we have.
Maybe more detailed logs from FileZilla can explain more?
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