Files auto-deleded after upload

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Inactive 2024-03-30 06:41 2024-04-03 07:36

After reactivation of the account, I can login with FileZilla and make folders just fine!

All files are reported uploaded, but deleted on FTP site 1 sec after they are uploaded?

What is going on?

We do use the FTP all the time but only for small files for GPS field work. How do I stop the automatic deactivation due to inactivity. Its not true…its just very small files.

Please read


I deleted all “noise folders”…and made my own that i need for our equipment
its text files for a controller and I do not use any web access or htdocs what ever that is…just need ftp access from the controller in the ftp…currently only have folders HJ and TVILUM…for the 2 sectons that need the FPT access.

I’m sorry, but this is not allowed on our hosting. We provide a website hosting service. We are not an FTP file hosting service.

We do provide FTP access, but only for the purpose of website administration. Fair usage restrictions exist on FTP logins and uploads that will likely cause your account to be suspended if you plan to use it just as a file server.


Anyway --thanks for the answer…I moved everything to a new folder htdocs…what a ridicules rule…who benefits from such none sense.?
Now i can reconfigure all equipment and folders on all windows machines connected.
The stupidity is strong with this one.

Please read my reply above.

You’re not allowed to use our FTP server like this. There is no legitimate reason to upload files outside of web accessible folders. The reason you suffer from this is because your use case is not legitimate. So of course we’re not going to actively support things that we do not allow.


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